Part 3

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Glass everywhere in the ballroom.
RedBrick covered you.
Evil Laughter can be heard.
"What the-" Twilight said as she flew into the room.
"Hello Twilight... How are you?" Discord asked as he revealed himself behind the clouds of smoke.
You stayed quiet as you could. Discord was here. How can this be?! You thought he was trapped.
"What are you doing here Discord?!" yelled Twilight.
Discord Chuckled
"Well isn't it obvious that what I'm here for? Taking over Equestia!" Discord replied with a slight smile.
Then, Discord looked at you
"What have we here?" He asked as he flew up to you.
"That's ____! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Twilight yelled
Discord thought for a moment.
"Alright Twilight, I'll make you a deal. If you let me have ____ and some Land to do my chaos, I'll not take over Equestria." Discord said
"Why would I make a deal like that?" Twilight asked with a face.
"Don't you want your precious Equestria?" Discord asked in a teasing way.
"Fine... As long as ____ agrees with this" Twilight said
Now the choice was yours.
It was your choice to save Equestria.
You finally said "yes".
Discord smiled.
"Excellent! Now Twilight, the Land?"Discord asked
Twilight sighed
"The castle of the 2 sisters in the forest. There is your land... Oh, and don't mess with the Tree of Haromony" Twilight said.
"Excellent! ____,I'll be waiting for you my dear" Discord said then
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yea,yea. I know what your thinking. THIS IS JUST LIKE BRIDE OF DISCORD! Well maybe the middle and ending will be different. But the beginning will be sorta like Bride of Discord.SO DO NOT WORRY!

Discord x Reader (this story is for GIRLS ONLY)Where stories live. Discover now