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Chapter five

Sixteen and wild

"𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙨!" Begged Alex as she stood in Monroe's dorm with her, tying to convince the blonde girl to tryout for quidditch practice this year.

Once Monroe had returned from the kitchens last night, she managed to have a few hours sleep before she'd have to wake up and go to her lessons, and want to jump off if the astronomy tower.

It was currently lunch and the two Slytherin girls were in Monroes private dorm room, Alex standing in front of the mirror as she adjusted the collar of her quidditch uniform, being the Slytherin team captain she had to manage tryouts

"Alex I would rather snog a Mandrake than try out for quidditch, sorry love." Monroe responded with a smile and she watched her friend roll her eyes.

"You're no fun. The joy you feel when you hit a Gryffindor with a bludger  is unmatched." Alex said with a small smile on her face.

"Merlin you're psychotic." Monroe said with a smirk as she lit a cigarette between her lips and took a long drag before exhaling the cloudy smoke.

"And you're not?" Alex questioned with an eye roll at her friends bad habits.

"Never said I wasn't." Monroe responded with a shrug, sitting down on her windowsill, over looking the school grounds.

"I need to go to the field to tell some third years that they're shit. Enjoy containing a lung infection I'll see you at dinner later." Alex said as she picket up her bag and flung it on her back.

"See you later Lex."

"Later Mons."

Alex exited the room, closing the door behind her, once the Slytherin girl heard it click shut she sighed and rested her head against the window frame, her eyes closing for a moment, bathing in the peace.


She was going to hex herself.

Monroe currently sat at the back of the potions classroom with a pissed off look on her face, she'd decided that she might as well come to at least one lesson that day, but of course the one she decided to come to she had to be paired with James Potter.

The boy walked back over to the desk and paced the ingredients for the potion on the table as he began following the recipe, looking at Monroe from the corner of his eye.

"You gonna help or just sit their with a face like thunder for another forty minutes?" James asked as dumped some sort of crushed plant to the cauldron.

She looked towards the Gryffindor and rolled her eyes, "I don't have a face like thunder. And plus I'm not a fan of crushed bugs."

"Can you please just stop being a pain in the arse for once and help, if not we'll both fail."

She rolled her eyes and dragged herself up into her feet, and stood besides James, reading the instructions. She picked up a knife and tried slicing the thing in the board in front of her, but it bounced up making her yelp, making her receive a glare from Professor Slughorn.

"The fuck are doing?" James asked with wide eyes as he looked down at her.

"What the book says, cutting this shit, well I was trying to before it fucking leaped at me." She said in disgust as she tied her hair up with a green ribbon, preventing any thing landing in it.

"No, Monroe is says crush not cut." James said pointing out the word the girl misread on the paper.

"This is so fucking stupid." Monroe muttered as she began crushing the things, then becoming less jumpy and aggressive.

The two continued in silence for the next ten minutes before Monroe read the next part of the instructions, add fire ash. Not hard.

She picked up and handful from the bowl and threw it in as James yelled, "No!" Making her head snap towards him with a confused look before he grabbed her hand and pulled her back, shielding her eyes with his arm and she saw a bright light through her closed eyelids.

"Mr. Potter! Miss. Taylor! That was extremely dangerous to everyone! Detention for the rest of the week!" Slughorn yelled from the from of the room as James removed his arm form the girls eyes, the green orbs taking in the sight of ash and crackling fire.

"You was meant to add a pinch Taylor. Not a handful." James sighed as he ran a hand over his face in annoyance as the two began clearing the mess.


"Why'd you get a detention now?" Questioned Alex as her best friend informed her about Slughorns punishment that afternoon.

"I might if accidentally cause a small, quite big explosion." Monroe said as she picked at the muffin in her plate.

"That's awesome!" Exclaimed Celia from where she sat beside Monroe making the older girl look down at her and smirk and say, "I know." Making Alex shake her head with a small grin.

"But I wouldn't even care that much about the detention if it wasn't with fucking Potter." Monroe said as she eyed the Gryffindor boy who was getting fawned over by Lily Evens. The girl draped over his arm.

"Maybe you'll learn to not completely hate every fibre of his being." Alex shrugged as she sipped her water.

"Highly doubt it Lex." Monroe said as she and Celia began talking about the younger girls latest interest, dragons.


"Maybe it'll give you a chance to make her not hate every fibre of your being." Sirius shrugged as James concluded his whingeing about having detention with Monroe for the next week.

"Highly doubt that Pads." James said as his eyes drifted across the room to the Slytherin girl who was chatting with a little first year girl, James would've said he saw a smile but, he doesn't live in delusion.

"I still think it's a fucking stupid idea, if her brother finds out he'll kill you." Remus said, his eyes not drifting from the book before him.

"Live with risk Moony, it's just some fun." Peter said from besides Marlene McKinnon.

"Lily get off of me!" James exclaimed as the red heads hands kept roaming all over the boys upper arms and chest.

"Get some manners Jamie, Merlin." Lily said with a pout as she stood up and went to sit besides Marlene, only Remus noticing the harsh stare James was sending towards a specific girl across the room.

" Lily said with a pout as she stood up and went to sit besides Marlene, only Remus noticing the harsh stare James was sending towards a specific girl across the room

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Chapter five, done.

Sorry it's short, I'll make next chapter longer for you :)

It starts getting interesting in the next few chapters so I'm excited for that.

I have really high hopes for this book, it's one of my favourites I've ever written so I'm excited to share it.

If you saw mistakes, no you didn't <3

Live, Laugh, Love Taylor Swift.

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