𝟮. 𝗕𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗻

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A.N: Naru so fine 🥵 he bout to go bat shit crazy for Hina 🥶🫣🥵🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆PLS COMMENT & VOTE THANK U!

The glass walls of his office allowed him to see everything. Kiba was at the receiving desk, Sai was hanging up some new posters, Ino was staring at Sai hanging up said posters.


To his right, Ten Tens hair buns were seen sticking out of her cubicle. Shikamaru was chatting with the wonderful CEO Kakashi, and behind them was a room that had glass walls. It contained a large printer & some other supplies. Sasuke could see her perfectly. She kept pressing buttons on it... nothing was coming out. He saw her shoulders tense up and then go down. Sasuke cocked his head as he watched her. Frustrated.

To help her... or watch her struggle?

It was a tough choice. He was already content in his office just watching her. Sasuke checked the time on his desktop. 1pm

He'd been there since nine am and they haven't spoken a word to each other all day. In Kakashi's eyes this was a great thing. No one needed to witness another spar between Sasuke and Sakura. The further apart they were from each other the better.

But it's been four hours, and they had three more until the day was over. And they hadn't spoken in two days. She was also struggling. Sasuke decided to break the peace that existed on the seventh floor.

On his desktop he found a random pdf and sent it to print from that printer. He had a printer in his office but fuck that. The forty eight hour silence was coming to an end on his account.

Sasuke got up from his desk and took a happy stroll all the way to the printer room. When he was within range, he could hear her cursing under her breath.

"Stupid printer."

Her aggravated mutter made him smile.

An abrupt cough was heard in her ears. She turned around quickly, her long pink hair whipping away from her shoulder. Her green eyes pierced his black ones immediately.


They spoke through gritted teeth. Things were going well for Sakura. Two days of peace. She intended to keep it. It wasn't in her best interest to give in to Sasuke's childish ways. He was just so damn good at getting a rise out of her!

"I need to use the printer." He stated bleakly.

That fucking tone. Sakura hated it. Sasuke has had it out for her since the day she started working there. She is convinced he is trying to get her fired. Or get her to quit. Neither was going to happen.

"It's broken."

He smirked, "Did you break it?"
"No." She replied defensively.

Sasuke took his lean back off the wall and walked towards Sakura and the large white printer. His eyes never left hers. It was so cute how she was trying not to scowl. He lived to piss her off.

Part 1:𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏:NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now