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A.N: PLEASE remember that I PURPOSELY made the characters immature. This is a 2 PART STORY !
What you see here is a stepping stone to the second story which is the main story. Please just keep that in mind.

Word Count: 13.8k


The world around the young boy was colorful, bright & full of fun. As early as his brain started to capture moments into memories, there was endless joy in the nostalgia of swings, slides & being chased by his loving mom and dad. They made the perfect little family. One that was cherished forever.

His mother watched as her son was just as flighty & eager as her, observing the world around with big blue eyes of wonder. His father could see his only child was like a sponge, & he took advantage early.

A young Naruto Uzumaki was quite attracted to everything that moved, he himself a constant fast vibrational being. Butterflies, storms, trains, and even the slow pace of moving clouds, his mind was always adrift. Everything was above him, free and in flight, having speed that would take years to even be half of. If people could fly, he'd be the first to do it. Kushina and Minato had their son finely educated in not just some well up private school, but also with tutors to teach him other things & keep him sharp.

But he was a distracted young boy, always wanting to be up and away. "This is the third time this month he was sent to detention." Naruto listened closely in the hall as his parents attended yet another parent teacher conference regarding his erratic behavior. He could hear Minato sigh, he could even picture his father wiping a hand on his jaw "And what was it this time?", the teacher took in a large breath, "He climbed up the fence near the parking lot, there were other boys but we couldn't catch them in time for questions." Kushina's jaw tightened as the teacher continued, "but it seems your son is easily influenced."

Naruto could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

The woman had lowered her voice, an intuition telling her the young boy was indeed listening, "I can tell you for sure, those boys are not his friends."

Naruto Uzumaki barely had friends. Besides a boy named Gaara who he grew close with due to their families being aligned, and Sasuke for the same reason, there weren't many who wanted to associate themselves with the dork.

Private schools usually were attended by brats. Kids who knew nothing about the world, how people live varying lives and have a variety of experiences. Minato was a man who grew up a poor child, one who moved around a lot, therefore he made sure his offspring was educated about the world, and he knew knowledge is what gets people far in life. However Naruto often took after his mother in personality, being a bit awkward with newcomers and not interested much in any social circle. At recess he was caught climbing trees, was last picked for sports because he wasn't as strong as the other boys, and when he actually did want to speak, no one was ever interested.

He already had an impressive knowledge about earth science and space, insects and other animals, it made the boy excited. To try and make some friends, the young boy brought varying plants he got on a trip to Konoha to his science class in sixth grade to share with his classmates. The teacher was more than impressed but the students not so much. When the bell dismissed them, he saw some mean kids throw some of his gifts away in the trash. "H-hey what are you-"

"No one wants stupid leaves as gifts."

His blue eyes fought tears, but the water building showed "Oh is spikey gonna cry now? Here why don't you use this to wipe your freak tears," the boys threw the plants back in his face. They laughed at him as he ran away. Naruto had gone through this treatment for so long, but he never found himself used to it. He always attempted to dry his tears before coming home. Minato was everything to Naruto. His father was confident, kind, respected, feared, and loved. To be even half of what his father is, was his biggest life goal. No one, not one single person they'd ever come across, ever forgot who Minato was. Naruto watched as so many praised the work his father was doing, calling him a role model. He was a proud son. Ever since he was young his parents taught him about politics and business. As their houses grew in size, so did their popularity as a family. After sixth grade, Minato got a very public position in Suna's government, and now those same school bullies were looking at Naruto with different intent in mind.

Part 1:𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏:NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now