Part 15: Flight of the Whelp

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Our intrepid heroes found themselves in Brooktown again Hajime and Keiji were currently bathing in the bathhouse the girls planned to join them but one taste of [Dragon Fear] stopped the two and any would-be peekers hell he even scared everyone out of the bathhouse.

"Man this is the best feeling," Keiji stated relaxing on his side of the bath.

"Yep that skill of yours is very useful even I was shaken up by it,"

Keiji looks at Hajime with a skeptical look. "Then how did manage to get out of it," 

Hajime smirks, "I bit my tongue,"


"Don't look at me like that I've been watching you not in a way weird way just in case you go beserk again and with this gravity magic in was able to learn I'm working on something capable of restraining you as a precaution no offense to you, but your like a walking nuclear bomb waiting to happen."

"None taken bro, I realized I should show more restraint did you see all the knights arrive to investigate what happened after I used [Dragon Fear]."

"I feel like even if you don't mean it you'll probably attract a lot of attention and eventually lead to us crossing paths with our class."



After Hajime brought up their classmates there was a brief silence before Hajime broke it.

"You still think about her don't you?"

"It's that obvious isn't it.."

Hajime looks at Keiji with a serious expression.

"What actions will you take when you see her again?"

Keiji thinks for a bit.

"I'll take her with us.. There's this gut feeling I have that something tragic might happen on the horizon."

"I expected but are you sure those instincts aren't appearing because, dragons horde treasure and you consider her to be a treasure."

Hajime bluntly stated Keiji looked at him with a exaggerated betrayed expression,

"I am shocked and appalled you'd think I'd fall for such a stereotype, hell if you want to talk about instincts your the one dating and sleeping with a vampire.

"Your one to talk, The Great Bahamut assaulted by a rabbit,"

"I thought we agreed that never happened,"

The two shared a laugh and relaxed for a bit longer.

"Well we should probably get out the girls are probably very worried."

"Yeah time to see what Yue knows about Bahamut,"

The two left the baths after getting dressed and headed back to their room.


"We're back!" Keiji said only to see Shia already asleep and a Pouty Yue.


"Hmph! I wanted to bathe with Hajime." 

Yue glared at Keiji which he returned but stopped when Hajime patted her head. 

"Easy you two we're a group please no fighting, Yue the next time we have the opportunity we'll take a bath together."

Hajime and Yue looked like they were in their own world together again.

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