A Lost God's Grotto part 4

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The Eye hummed a horrible tone before her. Its metal scales shifted like waves along a hidden wall it seemed to be attached to. Perhaps it was the wall itself, Madoka watched it nervously and readied herself for a magic attack. There was no such way to survive an attack from this thing, she thought. Her ears began to hurt as it uttered more of the same unknown language in dark tones before she began to pick and understand words out of it.

「Angels have been identified. Identified. Identified.」

"Angels?" Madoka asked it but she was unsure if it could hear her over the noise it made. She gripped her sword's hilt though she doubt she could pierce its tough metal scales. "Are you Ceghinort?"

"It kind of looks like the labyrinth entrance from the forest," Audrey moved to look at the strange being. She froze as a roaring whir emanated from its rapidly shuddering scales. Audrey squeaked and retreated back behind Madoka.

"It looks like trouble," Madoka growled. It spoke again in Noble.

「Greetings, Angelic Entity. I am the AI Servitor Hesonoo. You are advised to leave this sacred place.」

"How?" Audrey asked it. Golden mana strands gathered within reach at the corners of Madoka's eyes. She was not sure what she would do with those. "We've been trying to get outta here for awhile, Mr. Robot."

AI Servitor Hesonoo's eye focused on Audrey and then it emitted an ominous roar. Madoka covered her ears but advanced ahead of Audrey. Her world went white. No, she blinked. They were standing in a pure expanse of white. The only thing that was not white in that room was the machine itself and them.

「Hostile Entity: Code Abaddon detected. System will begin Exorcism and Purification. Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent.」

The word "repent" echoed throughout this white void. The AI Servitor Hesonoo's sapphire eye turned bloody red, as seven of its large scales opened up and revealed strange tubes with red lights at their tips. Each one of them steadily aimed themselves at Audrey.

"What did you do to it?" Madoka groaned. How could she upset something clearly much more powerful than the both of them?

「Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent.」

"Why do you expect me to know what's going on?!" Audrey stood still as a statue as the red beams of light illuminated her skin. "B-But we gotta think of something quick! I think it's gonna shoot me!"

"What do I do?" Madoka nearly choked from the rising desperation. She was nervous about those strange lights. This strange being clearly intended to wipe her princess out. She would not allow it! The maid stood in front of the lights so they painted her skin instead.

"Stop!" Madoka screamed defiantly at it. The lights intensified and warmed her skin up.

「Angelic Entity, please remove yourself from Exorcism and Purification's trajectory. Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent.」

"Madoka, you don't have to fight it!" Audrey screamed over it. "I don't know what it's telling you but—"

"Shut it!" Madoka growled. Think, Madoka, think! She looked around her frantically. The projections were getting worse.

「Dear Angelic Entity: Use of Light Magic protection measures are advised. Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent. System will begin purging in 10. 9. 8...」

A glint of celestial strands appeared before Madoka. Just how was she supposed to dance now with those dangerous devices aimed at the both of them? She will be obliterated if she even thinks of doing the first Fiara dance step!

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