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My ocs

Name: Veronica ' Ronny's Miller
Nickname: Ronny ( by everyone since she prefers being called that), Vee, V, Frankie,Ron Ron, Vonnie( Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy)
Age: Depends on the rp
Gender: Female
Cat species: Tuxedo cat
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 16
Place of birth: Downtown, Michigan
Voice claim: Christina Vee

Name: Veronica ' Ronny's Miller Nickname: Ronny ( by everyone since she prefers being called that), Vee, V, Frankie,Ron Ron, Vonnie( Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy)Age: Depends on the rp Gender: Female Cat species: Tuxedo cat Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday...

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Occupation: Detective or waitress, she used to be an assassin

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Occupation: Detective or waitress, she used to be an assassin.
Status: Alive for now
Weapons: carries a gun or knife
Likes: Hanging out with friends, dancing, music, adventures, being alone sometimes, playing the piano, singing a little bit, doing 'crimes'( chaotic things), catnip, drawing, taking pictures of special events, sometimes like a little bit of violence, games, action movies
Dislikes: Mafia ( doesn't like her last job), bullies, getting shot at z the Marigolds ( sometimes), spiders, dark and creepy places, smoking, Canada whiskey, snakes
Friends/ allies: Charlie ( my other oc), Rocky, Freckle, Ivy, Mitzi, Zib, Viktor, your Oc, anyone who's considered a friend or aillie to her.
Neutral: Mordecai ( sometimes), Nico and Serene, anyone who's considered neutral to her.
Rivals: The Marigolds
Enemies: Mafia, Marigolds, anyone who's considered a friend or threat to her.
Crush: Depends on the rp or open
Personality: Veronica is mostly a cheerful go-lucky girl, but she's serious and willing to help her friends, doesn't talk much at times only because she's kinda nervous to speak, she has her moments like if you make her mad she can pack a punch, sometimes shy, clever, slightly stubborn, funny sometimes, bipolar and has her different moments due to drugs
Family: Her parents
Backstory: Ronny has a slightly complicated life and use the live in Michigan, but at the age 6 her parents are arguing and got a divorce as her and her mom moved to Missouri. She mostly grew up there for the most part as she struggles through a lot her as she sometimes takes some pills to calm her down, but she stopped since her mom found out and kicked her out the house getting to her to act straight. When she grew up she doesn't know what job to do and decided to be an assassin, but stopped due to her not liking to keep it up for took long and quits. She was struggling and a drug addict for a moment till she passed out and went to the hospital from her friends help. She tried to stop doing drugs, but its wa hard for her awhile until she got a job as detective or waitress.
Other: She's mostly scared of herself and others.

Name: Charlie ' Chip ' Scott
Nickname: Chip+ by everyone since he prefers to be called that), Charles, Chaz, Lee, C, Cece,
Age: Depends on the rp
Gender: Male
Cat species: Bombay cat
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: July 8
Place of birth: California
Voice claim: Richard Steven Horvitz

Name: Charlie ' Chip ' Scott Nickname: Chip+ by everyone since he prefers to be called that), Charles, Chaz, Lee, C, Cece,Age: Depends on the rp Gender: Male Cat species: Bombay cat Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: July 8Place of birth: California Vo...

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Occupation: Detective or waiter, used to be an assassin

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Occupation: Detective or waiter, used to be an assassin.
Status: Alive for now
Weapons: A handgun or pocket knife
Likes: Missions, being alone sometimes, games, sleeping, being with friends, challenges (depends), drinking, music, dancing, reading books in peace, fixing some gadgets, whiskey, catnip, puns, sleeping, going on adventures, special events, stargazing, playing the violin
Dislikes: Mafias, the Marigolds, bullies, dark and creepy places, ghost, olives,dark chocolate, getting wet, letting his friends down, talking about his past especially his family, being called loser
Friends/ allies: Ronny ( my other oc), Rocky, Freckle, Ivy, Mitzi, Zib, Viktor, your Oc, anyone who's considered a friend or aillie to her.
Neutral:Mordecai ( sometimes), Nico and Serene, anyone who's considered neutral to him.
Rivals: The Marigolds
Enemies:Mafia, Marigolds, anyone who's considered a friend or threat to him.
Crush: Depends on the rp
Personality: Charlie doesn't say much as he's usually slient and distant toward others, if you get to know him better he's actually a nice guy just don't me him mad, intelligent, calm, and collective, can be a goofball sometimes, blunt if you mess with him, he cares about others around him and doesn't want to lose them
Family: His parents (deceased), older brother ( hospitalized), Aunt and Uncle ( alive)
Backstory: Charlie used to live a normal life as his dad is a mafia member, but he died from a other mafia gang member and his mother passed away from a illness. His brother mostly took care of him, but there was a incident that the two were involved as his brother protect Charlie and ended up in the hospital in a small coma. Chip blamed himself knowing it's not his fault, but wish he could have done more to prevent this from happening and stay with his uncle and aunt. While growing up, he doesn't know what job to do and goes to the one he hates since a gang member forced him, but he shoots them and ran away quiting. He became a detective and waiter.
Other:  Kinda drinks and a drug addict, but not too much.

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