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Aftercare- def takes mina to the bath n let's her soak while he washes his dick in the sink and talks to her before calling it a night and they both pass out on their bed

Body part- dude loves Minas boobs, can't explain why he just likes her rack

Cum😜😜😜- did it once in the cooter and now he has a hairless rat so bro never does it in her unless she's on birth control or wants him too (if not either her face or stomach)

Dirty Secret- loves when Mina doms (bro is submissive and breedabl-)

Experience- a hookup every now and then before mina and porn but that's it

Favorite positions- dude loves harmony, he loves feeling so deep inside mina and getting to stare at her pretty fucked out face<3

Goofy- he would crack some jokes like right after he came and mina would get on her phone and he'd be like "wow you're on your phone right after we boned"

Hair- black like his hair, would keep it trimmed but not completely shaved

Intimate- very, will always talk to mina and praise or degrade her

Jack off- not all the time cause Minas always there but when he's on business trips will jack off 24/7 and sext mina

Kink- sexting and hair pulling

Location- bed or shower, but if they're too lazy to get up the couch will do- rarely will do it in the kitchen or somewhere public unless they're high or drunk

Motivation- seeing mina in tight revealing clothing or her volleyball uniform, it drives him crazy

No- using his tape or pissing on mina, doesn't think it's attractive (nor does mina obv)

Oral- loves both, loves to stay in between Minas legs for hours at time licking away but also loves when Minas soft lips are wrapped around his cock.

Pace- can be slow and sensual when he's about to leave for a business trip or when they want a baby but mainly he's fast but not rough unless wanted

Quickie- loves them, if he's horny and needs his dick sucked then and now will beg mina to take him into a bathroom or storage room just for her to suck him off

Risk- won't take them often but definitely up to the adventures,

Stamina- will go for 2 or 3 rounds before completely giving out

Toy- doesn't use then during sex unless mina wants to, but they do own a vibrator or dildo for mina when he's away and her fingers aren't enough

Unfair- loves teasing mina but when he's teased? Different story, whining and whimpering and begging mina to touch him

Volume- not that loud unless Minas riding him or blowing him

Wildcard- "$20 is $20"

X-ray- 5 inches, long but not too thin, just like him long lanky and lean (thr 3 L's idfk)

Yearning- constantly, dude is down for it anytime, this man craves that feeling of being close and pleasure

Zzz- will clean himself n mina up before maybe rolling a joint and getting high then knocking our or rolling one, take a puff or two, putting it out and sleeping

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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