But Satisfaction Brought It Back.

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A curious mind often wanders off the path set for them, a curious mind with no path paved is sure to wander astray.

Jack hasn't ever encountered a portal quite like this. It had called to him, and he searched until he found it. He is no stranger to portals, he's made quite a bit himself and they all ended in such tragic endings. It's why he doesn't mess with them anymore. Too much guilt weighs on him with that power. But this felt different. He didn't make this, and no one else seemed to notice it.

It called to him with such a gentle hum, and the deep rich blue shimmered like calm waters. He had no clue what could be on the other end, if anything was. His hunter instincts told him to let someone know about it before wandering in. But, as he stared and let his curiosity guide him.

The whimsical portal was too interesting to ignore or wait for, Jack took a leap of faith and jumped into the unknown.


Jack immediately felt a pressure change and his ears popped, he was engulfed in water. The water was heavy yet he floated in the water lightly, gravity releasing off of him.

Around him should have been dark and scary, but he could see clearly the floor that was far beneath him and the surface that was an easier reach. He could just swim up, especially if he didn't have enough oxygen, but he noticed it wasn't a problem. He was able to breathe as if he was on land.

He twirled around in the water to get a feel for the environment. It was amazing.

He saw a school of fish swim by him, swiftly and with perfection. They had such vibrant hues on their scales that seemed to change depending how the light caught them.

Not wanting to be left behind he started to swim behind them, wondering where they were going.

He quickly realized they weren't alone as more schools of fish made their way through the water. Some he felt as if he knew their names but often they left him stumped for a name.

They were all gorgeous as they swam past him. He was definitely swimming in circles as he tried to take in everything around him.

Up ahead he could see more vibrant colors and swam towards those, rocks and coral came into view. He didn't dare touch anything, not wanting to disturb any of the creatures around him.

A beautiful sea turtle crossed his path, a fish was resting on its shell, filling Jack's mind with thousands of questions of their story.

It was amazing how everything glided with such a peaceful pace, nearly a slow one, yet everything seemed to constantly change.

Just as he was getting more immersed, he felt himself being pulled out of this seemingly new world. With no idea where this force was coming from he couldn't find against it. A silent goodbye was thrown out as everything darkened.


Immediately Jack felt a pressure difference and was cold. He was shivering as he tried to get used to the new environment.

He felt hands on him, "Jack, are you okay?" Sam asked checking his forehead, and throwing his jacket on him. Castiel was right next to him and wrapped his trench coat around him as well.

"Yes," Jack laughed, "better than okay." Wherever he went, it was the coolest place he's ever been.

"What happened," Sam asked, "where did you go?"

"I don't know," Jack shaked, he truly felt fine, it was just a huge adjustment, "I just know I was underwater, there were so many fishes and I got to see a sea turtle!" He gushed, it was an experience unlike any other.

"That explains why you're wet," Dean voiced, Jack was unaware he was there until that point. Due to Sam and Castiel rushing to help him.

Jack tried to stand up, hating the feeling of sitting in wet clothes but immediately started to fall. Sam caught him, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just heavy," Jack admitted, sheepishly, he doesn't swim all that often and forgot how heavy you feel afterwards.

Hearing that, Castiel picked up Jack, bridal style, without comment. He's woken up a few times to Castiel carrying him like this when he's fallen asleep in the car or at the table. Which then he just falls back asleep content.

"You seem to be okay," Sam said still checking over Jack, like his pulse and looking for any abnormalities, finding zero, "but let's keep this closed just for safety."

Dean and Sam closed a hatch over the portal, sealing it off with a hiss. As fun as it was, that's probably for the best.

"I saw a fish lying on a turtles shell," Jack told Castiel.

"Was it dead?" Dean asked, Jack paused, it didn't look dead. Just like it was taking a break.

"No, I think it was asleep."

"Huh, like Finding Nemo?" Dean guessed and Jack tilted his head in confusion.

"Finding Nemo?" He asked, he had no clue what that was.

"Wait," Dean stopped Sam and Castiel, "you two haven't had him watch Finding Nemo yet?"

"No, were we supposed to?" Sam asked, a little confused but mostly amused at Dean's horror to this information.

"Yes!" He shouted and started pushing everyone out of the room, "Come on, we have a movie to watch!"

"Is it another cowboy movie?" Jack asked Sam.

"No." Sam answered and Jack sighed in relief.

"Good, I don't always understand them." He likes some of them, but watching Dean basically plays out the movies as they're on, you lose track on what you're supposed to be watching. Dean badly acting out the movie or the movie itself.

"I don't really understand them either." Castiel admitted, and Dean started to mutter incoherently about angels not understanding good movies while Sam laughed at him.

Maybe Jack's curiosity can be dangerous, he knows the phrase, curiosity killed the cat, as Dean's told him several times, but he also knows, satisfaction brought it back.

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