Kys nine❤️

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since fucking nine rejected my um apology
So now guess what😝😝

Seven: I'll put his cat up on the tree/j
Seven:no but actually let's send him a paragraph of how much
He should kys for rejecting me❤️
anyways let's write him a letter ☺️❤️

Seven then did a letter of how much nine should

Seven:hey guys wanna hear my paragraph ❤️❤️❤️😜😜

Seven:dear nine, you should fucking kill your self.
Bitch I can't explain of how much you should die for rejecting me
And no wonder you wear your glasses bc of how much your eyes are ugly-

Six:DAWG CALM DOWN 😭😭 weren't you guys inlove a week ago💀💀
Seven:ehhh yeah but TAHT was the past
Five:nine won't forgive you bro that's just gonna make them reject you way more😮🤪
Seven:you're right anyways how do I get him to like me.
Six:idk just apologize dumbass😞😜

LMAO IM NOY DOING ALL THAT😭😭 Anyways sorry for the late update
😭😭 I started school a few weeks ago and have been kind of busy but no way this
Book gonna be 1yr old😭 I rlly appreciate for thisss🫶🫶 anyways I know know that I haven't updated
This so much anymore ANS blah blah😞😞 but OK BYE BYE😝😝

Words 220😋

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