Night 1...

3 0 0

I could barely make out anything in all this heavy smoke and blurry vision but what I could make out was buildings upon buildings tall and short all in a raging hot fire very few still standing and most torn and already collapsed. "WHERE ARE YOU!" I hear myself shouting while tears well up from the smoke and all of my rage I've been feeling knowing HE is the one showing me this, forcing me to feel all of the events currently taking place in this world. 

"No need to yell darling" he chirps with a devilish smirk dagger with someone's blood dripping from it.... wait blood?! I look over at my blood stained arm and force down the scream of pain threating to come out of my mouth and shoot daggers at the tall figure while thinking how to get myself to wake up without bruising myself like all the other times. "Aww you spoil all the fun keeping that sweet mouth of yours sealed shut, guess I'll have to make the next mark deeper if I want to hear your beautiful screams" he says while walking closer. I'm trying to back up away from this psychotic maniac but it was no use cause next thing I realized he disappeared only to reappear and slamming is foot down on my knee causing it to dislocate then slashing his dagger deep in my upper thigh and lower abdomen.

The pain flowed everywhere throughout my body pools of blood gushing out I couldn't hold it in any longer. Guess there's no helping with the scars I thought as I let go of everything and drifted off into the darkness.

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* Taking off the alarm I jerked awake, sweat all over my body and sheets. I immediately  turned on my night light and peeled off my soaked clothes to see some nasty purple and blue bruises where the slashes were placed. "Breathe 1...2...AH!" I screamed as I relocated my knee tears streaming down my face "Fucking shit" I breathed out while waiting awhile thinking of just lying down in my soaked filled sheets to calm down then looked over at the time and froze. it's 6:45 and work starts at 7, I'm for sure gonna be late "Boss is gonna kill me today" I grone while carefully getting out of bed and heading for a quick shower and sending a quick text to Zaleena.

Me: I'll be 10 minuets late😓

Z: Your fired😑

Me: No work for me and AND I can resign?!😱


I stare at the text message preview on the phone screen and shut off the phone feeling pale as my white siberian cat on my bed then shook of my fear of my boss potentially losing it at the office and rush to my car.

Hewwo fellow readers and welcome to a new type of genre. 

I'll be updating this book while I figure out what to do with my other book Forbidden Love.

So look out for updates (^-^)/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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