Hopping into a Conversation

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(11:06 PM, Corridor)


After debating for a while, Ellis decided to head to the Prize Room. Given that it will probably be the easiest one at the moment. ('Now that I think about it, I haven't checked what the rest are doing.') If he remembers correctly, Bonfyie was last seen going to the Prize Room.

Given that she sounded interested in games, he shouldn't be surprised by this.

Making his way in, he noticed the place had been lit up. Looking around, most of the games had been turned on, and sure enough, he saw the bunny girl (still in day form) playing an old arcade game. She seems focused on it and having a nice time...

('Should probably not bother her for now.') Ellis thought as he made his way to the Prize corner.

Sure enough, it was a big outlet with several prizes: small toys resembling the girls' day form, masks, pizza-like toys, watches, pencils, etc.

At least, with the small quantity Ellis was seeing. "Hmm...I do believe there should be a small storage with the items." He said as he looked around, finding a door not too far. "Hmm, I guess that must be it." Reaching the door, he tried to open it, only to find it locked. "Lock? I mean, I get it, but shouldn't I have been told- No wait, I remember."




"Now, the Prize Room needs to be restocked every night. The items are in a storage room right next to the Prize Corner, which is closed all day. Usually, Max has the keys to open it, but he always hides it in a safe place. Guess who didn't inform us of its location when they left?" Johnny said with a tired tone.

"So...You expect me to go on a tiny treasure hunt to find it." Ellis didn't ask something that has no meaning.

"I could help, but then I would have to explain to the Boss why I am still here and haven't left." Johnny ignored the new guy's stare. "However, I can say that Max was a bit slow on the brain, which is why I believe he must have left some sort of reminder if he forgets it."

"You do realize I just started working here, right?" Ellis remembered with a sweatdrop on his side.

"Hey. I'm just suggesting information. Now, let me show you the toothbrush that you'll need for the kitchen."

"...Excuse me?"


(Flashback End)


('Okay, according to Johnny, it seems that the janitor might have something to remind himself of certain things.') Ellis hummed as he stepped back. ('Meaning that I will have to go and search the janitor's room. But where is it-')

"Hello, Nightguard."

"Eeek!" Ellis could have sworn he reached the ceiling and clung to it.

What other reason can he explain for his body to be on the floor while looking at the ceiling?

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