♡𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎:𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝♡

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(A/n: I like platonic Mallyuu)

Night Raven Collage - Mirror Chamber

"Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of  magestone?" Crowley was in the mirror chamber when we got back. "Uhh..? Yes?" we all said in unison. crowley looked at us like we said something bad, "I didn't expect that you'd be seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings I think you would actually return with a mage stone!"  He placed a hand on the side of his head while his eyes were wide, "And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents."

Our mouths dropped, "Wait what!" i said as I looked at Crowley in annoyance while Grim was even more annoyed, "Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" Crowley looked at us with more shock, "Monster?"

"Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!" Deuce,Grim and me nodded at the same time while Crowley seemed even more shocked, "Would you kindly relate this story in full in my office?" We nodded as we followed Crowley.

Night Raven Collage - Headmage's Office

As we finished explaining, Crowley seemed surprised, "So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought its magestone back to me."

Ace and Deuce seemed offended, "I don't know that I'd call it working together." Deuce nodded, "It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time." Crowley looked at us as he started fanning himself with a hand, "Oh, gracious.... Ohhh... Ohhhhhhh!" He then starts sobbing which made all of us confused and surprised, "What is this guy's deal?! Burstin' into tears in public? At his age?!" Grim was confused and shocked as I got a box of tissues that was near to me and offred it to Crowley, I was worried at this, why was he crying?

"In all the decades I've worked at this school" Crowley began as he wiped his tears away, "The day has finally come when students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!"

"Whoa! No! No way would I join hands with that guy!" Deuce said as he pointed at Ace, "Okay, one, there was no joining hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, headmage?" I looked at Ace and Deuce, "He meant working together..."

Ace and Deuce said "Oh" at the same time, we looked at Crowley once again, "At this moment, I am moved beyond words. This incident has proven my hopes were justified." He stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "M/n, my doubts are allayed! For you have posses the talents of a beastmaster!"

I looked at Crowley confused, "But am a guardian of- I mean keyblade wielder" I said almost slipping up about my title. "I don't know what that is but even so, my students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential just like you. Except unlike you they they have great prides and being egos that most are self-reliant and self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others."

"You make it sound like that's a bad thing." Grim said as he crossed his paws while I looked at him and shook my head, "Cause it is. Most would say working alone is the best way to go, it may be true for some circumstances it can be an easy downfall especially for those first experiencing combat. I have fought alone before but thats just cause I was skilled enough to do so. Today you experienced it first hand and if you gone along with the idea to fight it alone then you would have been defeated a lot faster."

Crowley looked at me with happiness and pride. He ruffled my hair, "That's right, the Dark Mirror said that you use your magic to protect others and for righteousness as well and with no doubt you made sure that the three of them worked together for a common goal. The everyday, humdrum mundanity you possess may be exactly what Night Raven College needs."

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