Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Hello there

==Chapter Start==

A blank nothingness. It was vast, deafeningly quiet, overwhelmingly so. Amongst this white void, there was one entity. This entity, a skeleton, would wake up to this white emptiness, their vision blurry for a while as they felt their existence being torn apart from the sudden rush of feeling he got. It was painful, yet they couldn't scream, only writhing in pain for a while as their soul beat faster and faster, feeling like it was gonna snap before the pain suddenly stopped and the skeleton jolted upwards.

"W-Whe...Where am I...?"

The skeleton looked around this white void, trying to find out where they were. They looked at the floor, though freaked out when he realized that their hand was littered with these weird-looking blotches of colors that shifted and constantly changed, never staying the same shape or color before he started to violently glitch.

The noises that came from his groans of pain as he felt his existence fade and come back were almost robotic, like an echo in a sense as his body fizzled and he fell to his knees. After the glitching was done, he clutched onto the white floor, if there even was a floor, their skeletal fingers pressing against something as the blotches of colors shifted along his body and clothes.

"That hurt...a lot..."

They took deep breaths, realizing there seemingly was no atmosphere here. They started to stand up, stumbling a bit as they struggled to stay on their feet, the only sound coming from him as he shook his skull and rattled his bones a little to bring back any form of feeling. They tried to remember how they could've ended up here, but everything that came out were blank thoughts.

The skeleton tried to think, hitting its head a little with its hand as it tried to think of anything. Hell, even their name, if they had one that is.

"I have one, right? Everything has a name, right? That just means I gotta remember it." Even after a while, he still couldn't think of anything. It was extremely frustrating. " did I even end up here anyway?! And why is it so...empty?! And weird... And why are there so many colors on me too?!"

He tried waving his arm, trying to get rid of the blotches that covered him if that was even possible. Instead though, it seemed the blotches responded to his thoughts as they shot out weird bubble-like bits of energy, floating in the air until they popped. He jolted a little when weird swirls of energy seemed to remain stationary in the air, almost like a vortex of colors.

"What the hell..." The skeleton slowly inched to the portal that came from one of the blotches of colors that he had on his shirt. He slowly traced his fingers into the swirls, watching how it seeped out some sort of weird energy that sent shivers down his spine as the colors constantly changed. "Weird... It just doesn't feel right..."

He pressed his finger deeper into it, the chills going across every bone getting more intense before he quickly pulled his hand out of whatever came out of him. He was debating about whether to put more than just the tip of his fingers in before deciding not to. He wasn't sure if it was safe.

"So I can make these weird portal things...  At least I think they're portals considering my finger wasn't just melted off or something... And I definitely didn't feel an end to them

He waved his hand at it and almost stumbled back when the center of the swirl opened up and static appeared. He stepped a little closer to the portal, wondering what he was seeing before the static was replaced with white. "Isn't this just where I am?"

Suddenly, snow blasted his face and he stumbled back as more snow came out and started to bury him. He was shocked by the sudden blast of cold as he waved his hand and instead of the snowstorm that blasted through his portal of his, a fire started to spread before he put both hands forward and closed the portal as it immediately killed the flames.

"Well...I guess no atmosphere means no air to feed the fire..." He gave a small chuckle and looked around, seeing how the lack of oxygen made the ice slowly turn into a gaseous state. "Let's see if I can make another one..."

He thought about how shaking his arms made a portal in the first place as he decided to touch one of the blotches of colors that randomly shifted and changed. He grabbed one, watching as the same bubble-like bit of energy came out and he flicked it forward, proceeding then to open his hand as the bubble popped a distance away and the same swirls appeared.

"Holy shit, that worked..." He looked back at the blotch on his body. It was still there. "Alright... Now, I just needed to move my hand, right...?"

He pointed his hand at the portal and waved it as static appeared on the portal. He was confused when he saw what he assumed to be a great hall that radiated a warm, yellow-ish color. He appeared closer, almost going into it before he was suddenly blasted point blank by a beam of energy that he wasn't expecting. He quickly dodged multiple other beams that came out, waving his hand and closing the portal.

"O-Okay!" He shook his body, dusting off his clothes as he slightly glitched a bit. He didn't show any damage despite being hit directly to the skull. "Alright, need to be more careful... Maybe I should think of what I want to see instead of just having myself risk my life whenever I open these..."

He quickly made another portal, taking a deep breath out of gesture to help him relax since there wasn't really any air around him, and thought of whatever he could think of. Of course, not knowing what to desire, he came out blank as the portal only showed a white void.

"Eh?" The skeleton looked at the empty blankness. "This is just where I am, isn't it? Or is it snow?"

He looked around in the vast emptiness, putting his head through it as there was only blankness going out for as far as the eye could see.

"Oh, I guess that was everything." He turned around to think before he suddenly felt something tug his arm. "Eh?"

He looked at his arm and saw blue strings tightly secured to his wrist. He tried to tug on them, feeling that he couldn't move his arm. "Stupid strings. Where did they even come from?" As he said those words, he was suddenly dragged through the blankness, disappearing as the portal he made closed.

==Chapter End==

Here it is. The start of something I hope you all enjoy.

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