Chapter 2: Hanging Around

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Yeah baby, Chapter 2

==Chapter Start==

Skull pounding and blurred vision. The skeleton started to wake up, feeling disoriented, and their vision blurred once more. They tried to move their arms, but they couldn't do much as their hands were tied and he felt constricted.

"W...What happened...? This better not be what happens a lot. It sucks." He tried to move his body and couldn't, again, feeling constricted. He looked at his jacket and noticed that it was covered tightly by thin blue strings that seemed to then connect to a small, upside-down heart with a weird core in its center that changed colors occasionally.

Looking around the area after analyzing this core, 

He realized then that he was covered in strings, some wrapping around his arms and legs, keeping him tied as some seemed to wrap around this upside-down heart that had a weirdly colored core that floated across his chest. He looked around and saw how the area seemed littered with all kinds of things.

There were strings everywhere, almost acting as a "roof" with random things hanging from it. Stereos, gold, chairs, a clutter of a weirdly organized mess. Objects he didn't think would exist yet somehow existed anyway such as a bottle made of water that had glass in it, a lamp that made not light, but darkness... Yeah, it was definitely weird. Interesting, but weird.

"Is that a totem made of flesh?"

"You new here?"

The skeleton instantly tried to back away from the sudden distorted voice as he dangled around, slowly turning to see another skeleton. For some reason though, he felt as if he was...familiar? He wasn't sure why, but he just did, as if he'd seen him all his life, yet at the same time, not exactly.

"I-I guess?"

"Don't tell me, you woke up, tried to figure out where you are, then suddenly were snatched away by something?"

"You sound like that happened to you."

"I saw some glitchy skeleton drag you up here."


The skeleton took a closer look at the skeleton in front of him. He had weird eye sockets. Or at least he thought he did. It seemed like black lines running along a pool of blank emptiness. It was bright, and it seemed to match with the loose jacket he wore which was a stark white with black which was opposite of his shorts which had a base of pitch black with white.

He liked the shirt he had, though he was confused as to why the skull on the shirt was colored pitch black while the shirt was white. It was a bit odd to look at too, as if it were inverted. He looked at his hands and noticed that it seemed that the tip of his fingers was colored black with absolutely no light reflecting from it with squares that ran down from the tips that did the same.


"It's natural...I think."

" So, uh, where is this place?"

"Not too sure... Uh, what should I call you? Polka dot or something?"

"Dot is fine. I'm not sure if I have a name so it's nice to be called something."

"I see. Then call me Anomaly. That's the name this random skeleton kept calling me."

They looked around again. There were bodies dangling everywhere, some seemed alive, but some seemed dead though those seemed to be humans. They were too far away to really make out. Along with that, the "ceiling" of this large clump of blue strings was littered with all these red heart-shaped objects that seemed to shine amongst the clutter of objects.

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