Sucks to be him

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Chapter sixteen

What she didn't tell them she was that she was going rogue hunting. The hotel was well two towns over and i had hid my scent well enough for them to be unable to detect it. I kept my eyes alert and my ears sensitive to any sort of sound that could be categorized as strange. 

Most importantly, i would trust my guts on this.

As i stalk around the desolate town, my foot steps were quiet as if i was walking on pillows. The town stank of rogues, they were everywhere. I leap up onto the roof of a store when i saw a man, a rogue to be exact walking casually towards the building i was currently crouched on. 

He didn't see coming when i flew from above and landed behind him, twisting his arm back and shoving his face on the tar ground. 

"You could make this easier for you or not, i don't care." I hissed in his ear, my wolf was urging me to hurry. Probably cause there was danger lurking or she needed to go pee. I don't think she needs to pee...

"Fuck you bitch!" He spat and i dislocated him arm in a jiff. "I guess we'll do it my way."

I smothered him in wolfs bane oil, it could be used as a scent disappearing agent cause werewolves just simply hate it but the thing itself hurts like a bitch when applied. He writhed in pain, cursing my very soul. I'm glad i wore gloves. 

I was sort of a good guy so i hit him at the back of his neck and he passed out. I heaved him on my shoulder and dashed out of there. Though i was careful not to accidentally touch the wolfs bane oil. His skin was starting to have third degree to be him. 

If i was going to infiltrate the damn hideout, i had to be prepared and not blindly attack like some headless chicken. 

It took me half an hour to reach the hotel, at my fastest speed and that was saying something. I looked left and right to find something that can be used to cover Mr I Can't Handle Wolfs Bane here.  Right, cause carrying an unconscious man with third degree burns won't bring up suspicion, eh? 

I found a suitcase and dumped the stuff in it out, it was fairly large and it was a tight fit but why the hell not? I could cram him in anyway. 

I pulled the wheeled suitcase behind me and and glared at the same security guard when i passed him by. 

I pressed the card  to the sensor and pushed the floor number. When the elevator stopped i walked to the room and slipped the card. When the light turned green i pushed the door open. Andre and Phoebe was playing Go seems...

"I'm back and i brought a present. Phoebe get in the bathroom till i say you can come out." She looked at me timidly then at Andre and slowly entered the bathroom. "And lock it!" I said after her.

Content when i heard the lock turning, i dumped the suitcase in front of grandma.

"What is this? It reeks of something....wolfs bane?" While regular wolfs would dismiss the smell, my grandmother like me have a very strong sensitive nose. 

"Its a present." I shrugged.

She motioned for Andre to open it and the dude fell out of it in a heap of limbs. I stifled a laugh. It was sort of funny in a disturbing way. She glared at me, "And what can i do with this? Play fetch?" I laughed, it was bound to happen anyway.

"Torture the information out of him. I have places to be, people to save." I grinned. 

"Just like your father, arrogant." The grin still stuck on my face. "You got Andre but i just have lil fragile me." I pouted. 

Oh no, she had her mean face on. "What is the first rule?"

I sighed, slumping onto the bed, "Carry out every single detail yourself, if you can help it..." She glared at me as if to say that she had proven her point. I sighed again and sat up, staring at the unconscious dude. 

When i decided i stared at him long enough to put a stalker to shame, i practically shoved his body onto a chair the grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge. I twisted the cap open and flipped the bottle over his head.

"Wakey wakey sunshine." I chirped. 

He groaned but didn't make any move that suggests he was regaining conscious. What a pickle...

Okay, no more Miss Nice Person...I kicked him in the shin, with much force as a small truck going maximum speed. He screamed and fell onto his side. 

"Oh, you're awake. Good." I threw him on the chair again.

"Okay now that you're awake...spill." 

"Fuck you." He spat, blood oozing from the edge of his mouth.

I slapped him enough to make his head recoil. "See? This is why i hate interrogating people! I don't have the patience for it and they can be really mean." 

Grandmas are supposed to be all be caring and loving....and milk and cookies! Not looking like they're made of nails, steel...and a hint of barely visible age. i groaned at her no-cryptic look.

"Screw this, you can handle it. I'm going out. Take care of Phoebe for me." I closed the door behind me with a small wave. 

I looked left and right and hurriedly walked to the elevator, i pressed the button to get to the ground floor. It was then i realised, my brain was too unoccupied that it automatically thought about that traitor mate of mine.

I wished i could hate him but for the love of me, i can't do it. I just don't have it in me to despise him, to curse the very ground he walked cause deep inside, just deep deep inside him i know there's a lost boy who needed guidance. 

I'm no Mother Teresa but heck, i could do a thing or two. He might be a traitor, a short fused ignorant wolf, a despicable scum but in the end he's still my fool of a mate.

I sighed tiredly and ran my palm down my face. When life gives you lemons...stupid lemons...

I set off the elevator as soon as it reached my destination and i walked casually to the counter. "Excuse me." 

"Yes miss?" The lady looked as prim as my grandmother but she had the most dazzling sincere smile, one that is just impossible in her choice of career. Mechanical smiles, i lost count of but a smile equal to the brightness of the sun? That's just like trying to find  needle in a haystack. 

I found myself smiling back at her as i couldn't make myself scowl. 

"Do you know where i can find the nearest convenience store?" She efficiently produced a small blank piece of paper and a  pen. I leaned further on the counter to see her scribbles as she gave the directions. She gave me the paper and smiled when i turned to leave. 

Where are my manners? 

I turned to thank her and went off. Good, now i just have to find makeshift torture items. Piece of cake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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