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Present time :

Imagine you not remembering half the life you lived suddenly. Only to get reminded by someone. This will be the worst feeling for someone.

And that worst feeling was all Aerin's feeling right now.

She had tears in her eyes which threatened to come out. Her hand went towards her chest where Jungkook's mom's heart is pumping her blood out comfortably. She clutched on her dress as it felt very heavy.

"W-what happened then" she asked Jane who just sighed.

"Ofcourse you forgot him Aerin. We all thought you would never forget anyone and ofcourse not Jungkook. It was unfortunate.

When you woke up from coma after three weeks, it was very stressful to you. You couldn't remember anyone firstly but later you recognised Yoongi oppa and your mom.

And you remembered Jungkook too, you said it's Jungkook and again you fainted which caused your blood pressure to increase.

When you woke up again, you completely forgot the things that happened after your dad's death to be specific. You barely recognised me as I'm your childhood friend"

Jane suddenly got up and gave Aerin a cup of water as she started to breathe heavily.

"Hey..relax it's alright you will remember soon.."

"Y-you know Jungkook when he joined our U-university?"

Jane noded positively. "I couldn't recognise him at first too. He became very bulk and got those tattoos, piercings and stuff. He then met me one day removing his masks and all.

"Don't say I'm here to her..or don't make her remember me" that's what he said. But look at me i said everything to you"

Jane said and sighed. Even Jane wasn't ready to say these things but since Aerin said Yoongi asked to say, she felt the importance and said everything.

"Bu-but why didn't he try to make me remember? W-"

"Because it might become dangerous to you. You fainted and again went unconscious for two days after trying to remember him. He was afraid may be he was the cause of it.. moreover he was angry on his mother for not saying such a thing to him. The doctors didn't even ask his permission before taking his mom's heart..may be that's the reason"

Aerin just sat still trying to take everything in her brain.

"Okay for now. We don't have to go college tomorrow.. let's rest..stay over-"



"We will go to college tomorrow. I have to see his face" with that Aerin left Jane's home leaving a confused Jane.

"Oh Jesus save them!"


Aerin wore her shoes and dressed herself warmly. It's winter as it's it's snowing now and then and raining too. But today it was sunny and warm not snowing or raining. She seemed to be in a good mood too, humming songs here and there, kissing her mom on cheeks suddenly and stuffs.

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