Lively Celebration

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Kazuyoshi, the Plasma Hashira, slammed his empty ceramic cup down on the low wooden table, letting out a hearty laugh as the fun of these sorts has been going on for quite a while now. 

The sound of boisterous celebration filled the air as the usually quieter izakaya bar reverberated with the clinks of alcohol-filled glasses and the merriment of the two slightly drunk patrons who had sworn to pay for everyone's drinks that lively night just to waste their money and celebrate without limits together with all these unknown strangers around. ...Was this foolish promise the only reason nobody has kicked them out of there yet?

The black-haired Hashira glanced at his fellow drinking buddy, Tengen Uzui, who was swirling his drink with a mischievous grin on his face as he was about to take another sip of the joy bringing beverage.

"Ah, Tengen, my wonderful friend," Kazuyoshi said with a pause and pride, raising his sake-filled cup. "To a mission well done! We finally freed the villagers from that blight, that treacherous demon who haunted their now finally peaceful village." 

The older Hashira announced openly with satisfaction, reminiscing about the memory of successfully tracking down a demon and later about bringing relief to the inhabitants of a village by beheading that barbarous fiend that had brought them nothing but trouble.

Tengen clinked his glass against Kazuyoshi's without any hesitation, his maroon eyes sparkling with obvious joy. "We were exceptional and flashy as always. That idiot didn't even deserve to die that way in the first place! ...Whatever, the business is over for today. It's time to let loose and celebrate only!" 

The Sound Hashira boasted about the triumphant victory and completed mission. Now, the only thing he could think of was getting wasted together with his friend after finally having a chance to do so due to their busy lives as Hashiras.

As the night wore on, the izakaya became livelier and more crowded, alcohol flowed freely, and the celebration continued deeper into the night. The Sound Hashira and his comrade ordered another round of drinks, eager to unwind and revel in their success.

 As they clinked their glasses together once again, both could not help but feel a sense of camaraderie and relief, knowing that they had earned this moment of respite even though they would most likely regret it the next day. But who cares about that, right?

While they continued toasting to their success, a figure was silently going towards their table. It was Kyojuro Rengoku, their third comrade and fellow Flame Hashira, known for his unwavering dedication to his duty. His fiery gold hair with red tips and intense gaze caught the attention of those around him, despite his silent arrival. He has been searching for his two clearly unbothered friends, barely sitting even on simple tatami mats.

 Of course, these two had left this poor man behind several hours ago on his search for the best food stall.

Rengoku's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. The raucous atmosphere, the empty glasses scattered across the table, and the slightly intoxicated state of his companions told him that they had been celebrating their recent triumph for quite some time. A mix of amusement and exasperation crossed his face as he finally approached the table, the sound of his footsteps drowned out by the lively chatter in the izakaya.

"Kazuyoshi! Tengen!" he called out, his voice carrying a hint of reproach as he finally reached their table. The two Hashiras turned towards him, their grins widening upon seeing their fiery-haired friend.

"Well, well," Tengen purred, noticing Kyojuro's surprising arrival. "Did you come to join in our celebration?"

"Kyojuro! We were wondering where you've been!" Kazuyoshi exclaimed; his words slightly slurred. "Join us! We've been drinking in your honor as well!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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