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It was morning like all the others, I get dressed and go to school. On my way to school i see my bully with his friends speeding on the road beside me with his new Lamborghini. I didn't think much of it he gets new cars every week is annoying.

 I get to school and see him surrounded by girls. I just hate how everyone in this school are obssesed with him only because he's rich.

 Anyways I walk up to my locker, open it and a bunch of glitters and confets are flying in my face. 

"great' I say loud enough for the girl that is standing next to me to hear it. I never really noticed her so maybe she's new. 

"Hi, do you need help clean this mess?" she ask's quietly. 

"Hi, that'll be nice thanks" I say back and we start cleaning the confetti of the ground. When we're done I ask her. 

"I never really noticed you here, are you new or sum?" 

"Yeah Iam new actually, Iam from Europe but we have to move here because my father got better work opportunity." 

Oh that makes sense now. 

"What is you'r first class today?" I ask her 

"Chemistry, what about you?" 

"I have chemistry too we could sit together so we can talk and shit." I say to her, I grab my things from the locker as I wait for the answer. 

"Yes that would be great" I think we'll be good friends, she looks like a sweet girl and she's gorgeous, she has long brown hair, brown eyes and a hourglass body

"Okay, we should get goin now" I say few seconds before the bell rings. 

We get to class and sit it the back so we can talk. It's weirdly quit so I ask her.

"So do you have any siblings?"

"No, i don't what about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Unfortunutelly i don't." I say. 

"Where do you live?" She asks 

"5 minutes from here you?"


"Do you live with you'r parents?" She asks me quietly

"No, my mum died when I was 2 and my dad is locked up for life cause he killed somebody and shit, so no I live alone in a apartment. I supose you live with your'e parents couse you'r here bacause of your dad." I say

"No, I live only with my dad in a small house. My mother left us when I was little. Also I'm sorry for your loss" She says 

"Thank you" I say and the bell rings. We get out of class and as I go out the door my benemy stops me. 

"Where are you goin princess?" He asks me with a smirk on his face 

"To my locker, now move you'r ass out of my way" I say to him back quite scared what will he do. 

"Princess don't be mean to me, I didn't do anything to you now." After he say this he seems quite sad but I know it's act. 

"Yeah the glitters all over my locker this morning and all over me that was nothing?" I say a little bit more angry now. 

"That was not me I swear to god." I know it was him because only he would do something like that. 

"Okay so move you'r ass right now or Iam gonna be late for my next class." I thought he would move away but he moved closer to me and said:

"I will let you go now but only because I know Ms. Frankil would suspend you if you wouldn't come to class the exact seconf the bell rings sweetheart." He finally moves after his speach and as Iam walking away with Tara right behind me I say:

"I fucking hate you!"

"I love you too sweetheart" 

"What a jerk" I say 

"He look like he's in love with you Julliette" Tara says to me and I stop walking and turn to her with one eyebrow raised. 

"What? Don't look at me like you'r gonna kill me any second" Tara say's very quietly

"I don't think so, he's just a jerk that does'nt know what to do with his life." I say 

"So what is you'r next class?" I ask Tara

"Pe" she says 

"Well I see you afrter that I have math now. That guy over there will tell you where to go just ask him." I say calmly 

"Thank you so much" She says and leaves 

I have to deal with the jerk now cause he has the same classes as me except the first class in monday. 

The bell rings and by that time Iam already in the classroom with him. I only now realised how pretty he is. He has blond hair, brown eyes and a lot of muscels like aloot, and he's also 6 foot tall. He doesn't have any comments today so that's good. 

The bell rings again but Iam staring outside of the window so I don't realise that the bell rang. He taps me on shoulder and I nearly jump.

"Sweetheart the bell rang like 2 minutes ago don't you want to go have lunch?" He says with his deep hot voice. 

"Yeah thanks" I say back with shy and embarrased tone

I wait for Tara in front of the lockers so we can go to the lunch together. When she finally comes we go to the canteen to grab our food and eat. We sit at the table and for few minutes we talk but suddenly someone is standing right behind me. I slowly turn around to see Chris my bully. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Could I sit with you guys today? My what I thought was friends kicked me out." he says very calmly 

"NO!" I say but Tara says the opposite 

"Yes you can" 

"Tara you just let my bully sit with us" i yelled

"Whoa you'r enemy? Me? Iam you'r bully? No Iam not?" he says 

"Then who are you?" 

"I don't know..." 

With that the bell rang and we all got to our classes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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