Totem o' Undying, but Journeys-fied

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Totem o' Undying:- Sometimes called "The Artifact of Protector"- Can grant user with the Undying Effect (UDE), a real life-saver

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Totem o' Undying:
- Sometimes called "The Artifact of Protector"
- Can grant user with the Undying Effect (UDE), a real life-saver...
  > Requirements: Live-or-Death situation (mega regeneration), Death scenario (resurrection)
- Can grant user with Unaging Effect, causing slowed down age to the point of near immortality.
  > Requirements: Living being
- Very rare object, only few in existence
- Protector is the symbols of Immortality...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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