Try me and find out

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Jeane sorted through his locker looking for his science text book.

I know I put it in here after third period where is it? His mind was as frantic as his search. His normally neat locker was a mess and it flooded his ocd riddled mind that it wasnt fixed.

"Looking for something freak." a rough voice warned, sending a chill down jeane's spine.

Jeane felt his body slam into his locker with a mass of humanity pressing against his back.

Falling on the ground jeane couldn't breath. He lied on his back like a turtle in the sun listening to the cruel laugther of his bully.

"Boom! That's why im starting linebacker for midtown baby!" Ned leeds cheered bumping the fist of two of his teammates standing behind him laughing.

The boy picked himself up but his shaky legs gave up from under him sending him again to the ground.

"Look at that spaz can't even pick himself up after taking a hit. What a loser!" the trio cheered in a chorus of mean spirited mirth.

"Here let me help you up freak." Ned offered grabbing Jeane by the collar of his shirt then grappling him into a headlock.

Jeane couldn't breath and his entire body felt weak.

"L-Let me g-go." Jeane stuttered.

"Let me go." Mock Ned in a weassy tone of voice. Tightening his grip eliciting a gasp from jeane as he cried out.

"Please, you're choking me... stop." Jeane begged croaking out his words, his face going red.

"Say uncle. Say it!" Ned commanded tightening his grip, forcing Jeane's limbs to go limp.

"Uncle, Uncle!" Jeane tried to yell but his voice could hardly yell above normal volume.

Ned tossed jeane to the ground making the boy inhale greedily for as much air as he could.

The boy crawled away as fast as he could but his leg was grabbed by ned who pulled him toward the lockers.

Ned stepped over jeane until he was standing above jeanes back then sat down making him scream out in pain.

"Stop it! Please!" Jeane cried out.

"You know why I pick on you spaz. Because your a freak. You come in, make great grades, and don't talk with anyone. You think your better then us!? Do you!" Ned pressed jeanes head into the tiles of the school floor then lifted his fist as if to strike. "Say it nerd! Do you think your better then us."

"No!" Jeane cried out.

"No what?" Ned probed, tightening his grip on Jeane's head, nearly crushing it.

"No, I'm not better then you. Please, Im not better then you ned." jeane's eyes watered from the pain and he sobbed with each word.

"Your damn right your not better then me. Now we're gonna go outside and your gonna eat dirt for being a rude little bitch." Ned stood up and then looked to his teammates. "Grab his arms and drag him out to the field."

Jeane's back ached like it was ablaze as the two bullies roughly lifted him by his arms making him sob out In pain.

"Shut up!" Ned yelled punching him in the gut making the boy fall to his knees. "Can't stand weak cry babies like you... its just like with puny parker."

"What did you say you son of a bitch." a cold child went down the collective spines of all the men who heard that voice.

All heads turned toward the voice's source to see Gwen stacy, teeth bared like a lioness about to strike, her fists at her side clenched, the look in her eyes were like a mad dogs ready to strike. A low growl escaped her throat as she took a step forward.

Ned took a step back and so did his followers whom dropped jeane with a slap of his skull on the floor.

"What did you say Leeds?" Gwen took two more menacing steps until she was above the crying and hurt jeane.

"Look psycho I don't know why your getting invovled but you just stay back." Ned tried to sound threatening but his voice quivered near the end, taking another step back while his followers had already abandoned their leader and bolted.

"What did you say about peter parker!?.... My peter parker!" she yelled loud enough to shake the lockers as she walked around jeane toward the bullies then closed the distance staring up at the 6 foot 250 pound mass of upper body strenghth that was ned leeds.

Her ice cold glare like daggers piercing his soul made the brute back off taking a step back.

"Get away from me you freak!" ned tripped over jeane and fell right on top of the boy making him cry out.

Gwen turned her gaze to jeane, her icy stare softening with pity.

The cold looked returned as ned had his hands up with a shocked look on his face.

Gwen lunged downward grabbing ned by the shoulders then tossing him five feet down the hall landing with an audible crash with a clear crack on the tiles.

Ned picked himself up kicking and tripping over himself.

"Your crazy! You two freaks belong with each other." he cried out trying to run.

"Oh no you don't, im not done with you just yet!" gwen exclaimed sprinting after him.

Ned ran as fast as he could but Gwen was on his tail.

Gwen had fury in her speed. Turning her head to the wall she leapt and ran on the wall then leaping in front of ned and throwing a punch.

"owh, mai nooze." he spoke wiping blood from it.

"you listen here you meathead fuck. You drove peter to his death. Its your fault! So understand me when I say you will die before I let you do the same to him!" she points to jeane who looks at her with fear.

"Okaay, im sowry, please... I wont' do it ajain." He wheezed.

Gwen nodded her head then walked around ned. Giving him one good kick to the side making the bully whelp.

When the blond reached the still floored jeane. She kneeled down and put her hand on his shoulder ten showed a smooth smile.

"Hey..." she said seductively."

"What?" Jeane asked confused.

Gwen shook her head then sighed. "Sorry bad for making jokes when things get too serious."

Jeane looked in gwens eyes and saw pain there. "Are you okay."

"Me? Your the one with bruises. Here let me help you up." Gwen offered her hand. "Lets get you home."

Jeane felt his cheeks flushed but one look at the groaning ned, grabbing his side made any fluster vanish.

Jeane took her hand and she picked him up.

"Come on, lean on me. If you want I'll carry you home." Gwen offered supporting jeane on her side.

Jeane couldn't believe that someone like her would want someone like him. He didn't know who peter was but she obviously cared for him. Jeane was amazed by this girl but also scared.

Into the yanderverse: Gwen StacyWhere stories live. Discover now