Chapter 1

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'Mom, I have chosen the language that I will learn.' shifting my gaze from the window, I looked at an adult copy of myself.

'Which language, princess?' she looked at me with a look of completely curiosity.

'Ukrainian. I read a lot about it, and many say that it is very beautiful.' the smile on the mother's face blurred more widely and I couldn't keep mine.

'Well,' she took my hand. 'I...'

Before she could say a word, a muffled shot sounded, and our car picked up speed sharply.

'What's happening, Chezare?' mother asked in a trembling voice and we heard shot again.

'Chasing, I think it's them' said mother's security and she griped my hand tighter.

'Get down below, my princess' her eyes was full of fear, because of that I immediately did what she said.

Hearing loud shots, I covered my ears and tried not to cry. Mom get down below too and covered her head.

'I called for help, Vitoria.' said Chezare and mother nodded silently.

'Isn't it the end, mom?' I tried to said as loudly as possible with my trembling voice, so that my mother could hear my over the sound of gunshots.

'Don't think about that, you will live a long life' she reached out her hand to me and wiped away a tear, which I didn't even feel. 'Dad will kill everyone for you, don't forget about that.'

Mother is right, father - the boss of our clan and he will do everything to keep me safe, but now he miscalculated. Why didn't we have an extra security with us as usual?

'Hell' Chezare turned sharply and because of that I was thrown a little to the side.

'Don't you dare stop, Chezare!' mom shouted and we heard the sound of broken glass at that moment. Fragments scattered all over the car and I felt light tingling on my forehead on the right side.

The car suddenly began to drive in different directions and I raised my head for looking on Chezare. To the throat instantly approached nausea, he had a shot of his head, and the blood flowed along the face.

'Mom...he...' before I could say a word, how our car crashed in something and I was threw towards mother.

She immediately began to reach out for the handle, to open the door. After a couple of attempts she still succeeded, and we went out of car. We were in the middle of overgrown field and mom, without thinking not a minute, kept my hand and we were going to the field. We couldn't go more than two meters, when some cars stoped.

'Mom, we won't have time to escape' I whispered, wiping flowing blood from the forehead.

'They won't touch you, princess' mother bowed down on her knees and looked in my eyes. 'Do you hear me?'

'I hear, but you?' my voice were trembling.

Mother couldn't answer, because shouted the first shot, because of that we hugged each other.

'Vittoria Marinelly' hoarse male voice called my mom, and I clutched harder in her hand.

'Who are you?' stood up of knees, mom asked the question and looked behind my back.

'People that take away your life.' after this word, my heart started beating in thousand times faster, and in the mouth appeared the taste of hot.

They aren't seriously, are they?

'What did I do?' mother's voice were strong.

'You are wife of Mario Marinelly.' I heard that someone recharged a gun.

In our world all is serious.

'You won't touch my daughter.' mom was whispered in such a voice from which my goosebumps went throughout my body.

'You mustn't give me up, mom.' I whispered, and mom looked at me with her most loving gaze. Looked to the man behind my back, she bowed on her knees again.

'Never.' she whispered, and kissed me in both of the cheeks. 'And now close your eyes.'

'For what?' the lump in my throat has already begun to choke.

'Trust me.' she ran her hand through my hair and I noticed how a few tears rolled down from her eyes.

I trust my mom, but now everything inside is mixed up, and I felt, that it was the end. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine how my mom chooses a dress for my birthday, but all I saw was darkness. Feeling cold in the place where mother's hand had just been, my tear rolled down my cheek.

'You should be Queen os Sicily, my princess.'

I gave up my fist and tried to remember my mother's voice, because I feel that this is the end.

'I lov...'

Mom didn't have time to finish, as the shot sounded. I sharply opened my eyes and saw a slightly bloody white dress of my mother in the heart area. I don't believe. NO. NO. NO. Mother's eyes looked at me wide and noticing that she was falling, I quickly ran up to her, but my strength was not enough to hold her, because of this I helped her lie down, putting her head on my knees.

'Don't you dare live me, mom.' I whispered, straightening her stray blond strands. 'You promised!'

I started hysterical, but a man's voice reached my consciousness.

'This is a warning to Claudio from the «Angeli Neri», you will be next.'

After these words, the tears froze, and the eyes found the owner of this hoarse voice. Only I looked too late, because I saw only a dark cut on the right side of his neck.

They quickly got into their cars and drove off in the same direction they had come from. Shifting my gaze to my mother, I kissed her on the forehead.
No one in our world can be trusted. I will never forgive the «Angeli Neri» for what they did. Our families were friends, but this is what their friendship led to.

'I will avenge you mom.' I said in a firm voice and closed her eyes with my free hand. 'I will be queen.'

Chapters will be released every week on Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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