Frustrating AU

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He is frustrating you to no end.

There was no situation where he could be more annoying than right now, his lips pulled back as he smiled at yet another woman in the crowd and his eyes closed as he spoke with his advisor. Instead of being in his proximity, you had to mingle with the nobility who were kissing up your ass, their words daggers from their tongue under the pretence it was all in good faith. Even if those noblewomen were saying interesting things behind their small fans, you weren't giving them much thought. Your line of sight kept sliding to the side, kept returning to watch Law at the other side of the ballroom.

A heavy sigh left your lips, your own fan hiding the gesture as you tore your line of sight from man, trying your best to return to the conversation at hand. ".. still a bachelor and pockets filled with gold." You raised a brow at her, watching how the chaperone talked to the unmarried girl with her. Her cheeks flushed slightly, her bright sky-blue eyes resting on Law's figure. Your brows furrowed, growing annoyed with the situation even more, wanting to announce that he wasn't as single as the ladies claimed to be. In their dreams. Your fingers snapped the fan shut, startling the chaperone and young lady. You smiled at them, your shoulders tense as you felt the mask slipping.

Taking a deep breath of air, your clothed fingers curled around a flute of champagne from a servant walking around, your lips quick to find the rim of the glass. A stain of red imprinted on the glass, marking it as yours as you excused yourself from the group of gossiping women and went to find yourself a different distraction.

The distraction came quick in the form of a young nobleman approaching you, his hand resting on his chest as he bowed to you. "Milady, would you do the honours of giving me your next dance?" You looked the man up and down. He was a earl from a nearby county, his clothing more luxurious and flashy than should be at this kind of ball. He made your stomach churn as he extended his hand, already expecting you to fawn over him like any other stupid girl probably would've done. Instead, you flapped your fan, looking over the man coyly as you blinked shyly at him. The man puffed up his chest, his grin expanding even wider than before.

"No thank you." You said, grinning as the man's own grin was slapped off of his face, the man blinking at you in disbeliever before it made place for unjustified anger bubbling inside of him.

"Excuse you?" He almost growled, his eyes spewing fire at the words of a mere viscountess. He stepped even closer, making you stand even straighter at his threatening stance towards you. "You dare to say 'no' to me, earl-"

"My lord, you're quite embarrassing yourself at the moment." You told him, your chin held high as you tilted your head. "It isn't fitting to a highstanding person such as yourself to lower yourself to such disgrace as you're showing in a public place." People around the both of you seemed to quiet down, their stares scrutinizing the whole ordeal as new gossip was being formed from a mere encounter like this. "Walk away, my lord. No one wants a scandal to happen at this party, right?"

The earl huffed in anger, his true annoyance quick to come through as he spoke once more. "This party is a façade for a mere commoner to suddenly become a marquess solely because he was at the right place at the right time. Helping the prince securing his throne, what a joke." Anger soared through you at the implications, a blush of anger reddening your cheeks and throat as you listened to this toad squawk.

"This commoner you're speaking off is the host celebrating a victory he secured in the war threatening the Star of the Empire, my lord. Don't forget that there are more commoners between the noblemen lately than you'd be able to count. I'd better watch my words among them as they do have to money to make others lose face or their neck." You hissed lowly at the man, nostrils flaring as you stepped forward. Your eyes never left the man's, silently telling him to back down if he wishes to keep on living. Whether he got the message was yet to be seen.

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