Chapter 4

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-sorry for the random pic, I thought it was so CUTE! - Moonstar

   After the lessons with Tam, I met up with Sophie to get ready for the sleepover, I was excited to go and hang out with some friends, rather than just sit at home and mope around. Sophie and I went to my home, Moonglade, a spacious land with acres of grassy land and nature, with a beautiful pond, under a sweeping willow tree. We stepped into the house and I ran up to my room and grabbed anything I would need: Sleeping bag, toothbrush, book, ETC. (You can add anything else you need)

  I ran back down and Sophie and I leapt to Havenfield for her to grab her things. While waiting for her, I saw my Imparter light up. I picked it up and saw it was Biana. 

  "Hey Y/N!" she greeted me. 

  "Hey Biana, do you need anything?" I asked, looking curious.

  "No, I just wanted to tell you something." her crisp Vacker accent poking through when she spoke. 

  "Um, sure, what's going on?" I asked. She smiled.

  'Linh and Tam are coming to the sleepover along with Keefe, and Fitz..." she said.

  "Hold up, how many people are going, I thought you just said a couple of us?" I asked, before I was overloaded.



-Biana + Fitz

-Linh + Tam



  "That's it." she concluded, smiling. I stared, that there were more people then I thought, then my mind latched onto Tam. Tam Song was going to the sleepover! Wait, why am I so excited?

  "Okay, that's more people than I thought, but we'll meet you at Everglen." I replied. She smiled and waved bye. I stared at the spot on the wall, maybe I should make something? Hmmm, Let's make some MALLOWMELT!!!!

 After Sophie was finished, she came down and smelt something amazing. 

  "Y/N, what are you doing?" she asked. She came down to the kitchen and found me making some of my special mallowmelt.

  "Oh, sorry, I just wanted to make something to bring to the sleepover." I said. She smiled.

  "No problem, Edaline and Grady won't mind, we just have to leave some pieces for them." she said grinning, while ignoring her 7 ft bodyguard, Sandor, who was standing behind her like a shadow. After finishing cleaning the kitchen, the two of us zipped to Everglen. Biana opened the door and ushered us inside. 

  We went to the spare room, which for us girls and a separate one for the boys. Fitz and Keefe and Dex were already here. We greeted them and headed back upstairs to finish setting up our room. I laid out my sleeping bag, which was midnight blue with yellow and white stars speckled on it. As we were setting up, I heard the doorbell (Do they have doorbells? T_T)

  "I'll get it!" I called and ran to get it. I opened the door and it was Tam and Linh. Tam looked bored and annoyed, but he gave me a small smile. Linh on the other hand, happily greeted me.

 "Hi Y/N!"

  "Hey you two." I said smiling. The twins came in and Linh went to the girls room to set up and Tam went to the boys room. Linh looked around and set her sleeping bag next to mine. After setting up and eating some dinner, the two groups went to their separate rooms. Linh mumbled about something about not having anything sweet to eat and I remembered something.

  "I baked some mallowmelt, do you want me to get it for you?" I asked. Her eyes lit up and she did such a cute expression, anyone would have to do anything for her. I laughed.

  "I'll take that as a yes." I went downstairs and grabbed the huge tray and then cautiously went back upstairs. But when I got up there AGAIN, Biana had something horrible in store for me.

  "Y/N, we're doing MAKEOVERS!!!!" she called me. I froze, I tried sneaking to the bathroom, but she and Linh found me. Just like me, Sophie also didn't want to have a makeover but oh well, you can't fight against Biana Vacker, especially when she wants to give a makeover. I sat there and waited for it to end.

  - Comment if you would let Biana do a makeover on you. Hope your enjoying this story so far!


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