o13. pretty boy turned swiftie

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IT WAS JACK'S SECOND TO last day in new york, the five day trip passing by quicker than the two wanted it to. the day after their first day was spent just relaxing and binging movies or tv shows maeve had been wanting to watch. they were attached at the hip, unable to leave the other's side unless they needed to.

the two were sitting on the couch of maeve's apartment, bea having to go out of town again so they were alone. jack was on his phone, scrolling through tiktok with maeve resting on his chest. they would laugh occasionally at whatever came up, but there was mainly comfortable silence.

that was until maeve had a random thought, "have you ever actually listened to a taylor swift song?" jack put his phone down, putting both his arms back around maeve, scrunching up his nose. "oh my god!" maeve got up, jack frowning at the sudden lack of body heat. "you have never listened to a taylor song!"

jack shook his head, putting his hands on maeve's hips to regain the contact, "i can't say i have listened to any that aren't her classics, why? did you need to get up for that?" maeve ignored her heart rate speeding up at the way jack's thumb went up and down on her hips, this boy's love language is definitely physical touch. the simple movement had become a habit, jack noticing her could calm her down or make her nervous with a simple touch.

    "this is so important, jack," maeve crossed her arms, giving him a death stare. "i'm gonna make you a swiftie, it's only appropriate." jack laughed at her slightly, frowning again as maeve quickly got up to grab her laptop. "why do you keep leaving?" jack flipped himself over, groaning into a throw pillow. maeve laughed before sitting back on the couch, lifting his legs and then putting them back down.

    once jack noticed she was back, he got up and sat beside her, legs stretched and resting on the table in front of the couch. maeve placed the laptop in her lap, opening spotify to taylor swift's discography. she looked over at him, catching him already looking at her with a stupid smile on his face, "pick an album, idiot."

    jack playfully rolled his eyes, scanning his eyes over the list of albums, "hm, folklore— you've talked about that one before, right?" maeve nodded, clicking on the album and hitting shuffle. invisible string began playing, and maeve looked over at jack, "do you know this one?" jacked scrunched his nose again, "definitely not!"

     "this is gonna be fucking awful."

"SO STYLE IS ABOUT HARRY styles— wait. they dated?" jack was pacing back and fourth in maeve's living room, getting quizzed by the girl in front him. maeve sighed, "keep up, bitch! yes, it was a short lived romance, blah blah."

     jack laughed at maeve before going back to the couch, clicking on Lover, "who's this album about?" jack looked over at his girl, who brightened up with just a simple question. "i absolutely adore this one, it's about a lot of things and people, mainly her boyfriend at the time, joe. this was the first album that she owned herself, and that makes it super duper special," she had a sparkle in her eye when she explained the things that made her happy. jack hoped that she had that same sparkle when she talked about him.

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