Chapter 1

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Jillyann's POV

I turned my music up loud and danced around my room ridiculously into shorts and a tee shirt. My brother Matthew came into my room and started dancing with me.
"This song is so stupid." He laughed after words
"Ew Matt shut up!" I defended, he rolled is eyes and walked out of my room.
I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower water on. After my shower I put on skinny jeans with rips in them on and a baggy sweater that said "SLAY" on it with some black Vans. I blow dried my hair and put it up into a messy bun. I walked downstairs to my kitchen. Matt was sitting in there with his friends. Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Carter, Aaron, Taylor, Shawn, and both the Jacks.
"What's up shortie." Cameron said
"I'm not that short Dallas." I argued, walking over to the cabinet. I reached up on my tippy toes to reach the cookie mix. I got off of my tippy toes and sighed in defeat. Cameron snickered and walked over and grabbed the mix for me. I took it and got out all of the ingredients for the cookies. I made them and sat in the living room with the guys while I waited for them to cook. The timer went off and I shot up to take the cookies out. When I turned around from setting them on the stove top to cool all the guys were standing there. I walked to the stairs and I stopped before going up them and yelled
"You touch those cookies you die!" And I heard them all laugh and walk to the living room. I went back down 10 minutes later to get the cookies. I put them in a container and ran to my room before the guys noticed. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to see who it was. I answered the door and saw my best friends Daniel, Luke, James, Jai, and Beau all standing there.
"Hey guys!" I said and they all came in
"Who's here?" Matt asked
"My friends from school." I said
"You girls have fun!"
"Wow thanks Matt!" I yelled at him
Matt turned around, "What?-Oh shit! Guys sorry." Matt said
"No worries man." Luke said,
"Come on guys lets go!" I said pushing Daniel and Beaus backs with mine so they'd walk. I almost fell when they did but Beau grabbed my arms before I by the floor.

In my room we all ate the cookies then decided on playing my Xbox One.
Jai put just dance into the Xbox and we all took our places except James because he wanted to record us. We played just dance for hours and Daniel got tired so we stopped and decided to just sit and do nothing. After about five minutes of that Luke picked me up and spun me around over his shoulder. We fell onto the bed. Luke was still holding onto me. "Luke get off of me! You're crushing me!" I said
"Ouch. That hurts." He fake cried and then laughed getting up. That all turned into us wrestling. We were all so tired after that so we stayed where we were and fell asleep. Luke was on top of Daniel, Beau was underneath James, and my head was in Jai's lap. We didn't even bother to move. Any of us.

I woke up to Jai poking me.
"What?" I groaned
"Look at Beau and James." He tried not to laugh.
"Oh my God!" I said trying so hard not to wake anyone up. Beau's leg was over James's head and James had his hand on Beau's butt
"I took mad pictures." He chuckled
"Good." I smiled and then fell back asleep. I heard Jai laugh a little when I fell asleep.

We all woke up the next morning and we recorded Beau and James to see their reactions to their position.
"What the fuck!" James yelled pushing Beau over
"Fucker! That hurt!" Beau yelled, I started laughing and James and Beau turned to me.
"This isn't funny." They said, but I kept laughing. They got up and grabbed my arms and legs.
"No no no no! Put me down guys!" I pleaded
"Nah. I think you look a little sweaty. You need to take a dip in the pool." Beau said "right James?"
"Right." James said as the threw me into the pool. I swam to the surface and saw that Jai, Daniel, and Luke were still recording.
"Help me out of here now guys." I said reaching my hands up, they pulled me out of the water and then they ran so I couldn't get them soaked. I managed to catch Jai. I hugged him from behind and soaked his back side.
"Alright you got me!" He laughed. Inside I showered and got changed into shorts and a tee shirt, I left my hair down and wet.
"Best friends! My fucking best friends and this is gonna be the night ever! The fucking best night ever!" I sang to the guys
"Whoo!!!" They cheered
"Well let's get today started fuckers!" Beau yelled
"Where do you want to go?" Daniel asked
"The beach!" I yelled as I ran out of the bathroom and jumped onto my bed
"Alright well we don't have bathing suits." James said
"So? We have boxers on." Jai said
"True. Let's go!" James said
"Well I still have to get into my bathing suit." I said
"Eh you can just go in your underwear too." Luke said
"Eh true." I shrugged
"It's practically the same thing right?" Daniel said
"Yeah!" I said "let's go guys!"
"Really?" James said happily
"No. I'm going to put on my bathing suit." I laughed. We all quietly went down the stairs so we wouldn't wake up Matt and his friends. We went into the garage and grabbed out penny boards and skateboards. We rode down the rode to the beach. It's a private little beach that nobody really goes in accept us. We stopped to get my best friend Kenna.
We all stripped and ran into the water. After a while of swimming, we all got out and went up onto the sand. Luke and James wrestled on the sand. Beau pushed Jai into me causing us both to fall onto the sand. I was under him, his hands on both sides of me. I looked up at him and noticed he was looking at me too. We both started to laugh and then he did something that shocked me. He kissed me. And I kissed back. Our kiss was broken shortly after when Beau came over to us and said "having fun?"
"Yeah before you came over." I said laughing a little Jai's head turned from facing Beau back to me
"You were?" His face lit up
"Yeah." I smiled
"Awe! That's so fucking cute! So do you like him?" Beau said causing me to blush wildly "Oh! She's blushing that means she does!"
"Oh she likes him. She has for a while." Kenna said
"Kenna!" I cried
"Thanks Kenna! Now we know she likes him!" Beau teased, I covered my face with my hands. I felt Jai lean down and kiss me again. I smiled causing him to smiled into the kiss.
"Alright guys! Let's keep it PG!" Kenna yelled, he pulled away and stood up, reaching his hands out to help me up. We were covered in sand but nobody bothered to wash off. We all rode to Kenna's to drop her off, then back to my house. We walked into the house and Matt and all of his friends were sitting in the living room.
"Matt she's home." Nash said
"Where have you been-why the hell are full of sand?" Matt said
"Oh...we went to the beach." I said
"Why are all of you guys in your boxers?" Cameron asked
"They didn't have swimming trunks." I defended them.
"Well then the beach should've been out of the options." Cameron said
"Why?" I said
"Because it required for you to see these guys practically naked!" Cameron said
"Oh grow up will you!" I said and ran upstairs to my room. Soon after the guys came up to my room.
"Sorry my brother and his friend are such asses." I said
"No worries." Jai walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist
"We actually gotta head home." Luke said referring to him and Beau "we have to go somewhere with our mom, Jai got out of it by being part of sports."
"Okay well I'll see you guys later then." I said
"Me and Daniel gotta go too, sorry Jillyann." James said
"It's fine guys." I smiled, they said goodbye then left.
"I'm gonna rinse off. You can after if you want?" I said
"Okay thanks."
I got into the shower and quickly rinsed off. I washed my body and my hair then got out. I wrapped up in a towel and walked out.
"All set. You can go shower now. You guys all have at least one thing of soap in there each." I laughed
"Okay. And that's because we're here like 24/7." He said,walking into the bathroom. I got dressed in shorts and a tee shirt and sat on my bed. After about 5 minutes, Jai got out of the shower. He put on clean boxers he brought and a pair of basketball shorts.
"What's up beautiful." He said laying down on my bed, his head on my lap
"Are we together?" I asked
"Only if you want to be."
"I do."
"Me too." He said making me smile. We sat like that on our phones for a while then we got hungry so we went downstairs to get something to eat. I couldn't reach the cabinet so Jai put me on his shoulders so I could grab us the cereal. He set me down and kissed me he held onto my waist as we kissed.
Someone cleared their throat and scared me so I pulled away to see who it was. It was Matt.
"What the fuck are you doing!" He yelled
"Matt calm down." I said
"What the hell were you two doing kissing!"
"Stop yelling at me Matt." I said
"No! Answer me!"
"We were kissing because he's my boyfriend Matt!" I yelled
"What! Your boyfriend!" Matt screamed,
"Yeah! And he's one of the only people who actually care about me!" I yelled then pushed passed Matt and Cameron who was standing there too and ran to my room.

Jai's POV
Jillyann ran up the stairs and I heard her bedroom door slam.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Matt said
"Someone who loves her."
"I swear to God! If you hurt her-"
"I'm not going to hurt her."
"I'm not happy about my baby sister dating."
"I get it." I said , then walked up that stairs to Jillyann's room.
"He's such an asshole!" She screamed then I heard a smash of glass on her floor. I ran into the room
"Are you okay?" I asked worried then I saw a glass vase smashed on the floor
"don't move. I'll get a broom." I said I came back with one and swept up all the glass. She ran into my arms and I heard her gently sobbing.
"Shhh. It's okay." I said kissing her head
"He's such a jerk. Just like our dad was." She cried
"What do you mean. You told me your dad died in a car accident."
"He did. But what he did before that."
"I was your friend then too. What didn't I know?"
"He was different when I had friends over."
"Different how?"
"He used to beat my mom. And yell at me all the time for no reason. He thought I was a disgrace because I wasn't a boy." She cried harder now
"I had no idea. You're not a disgrace, you are a beautiful, smart, funny, cute, humorous, and fucking hot girl." That made her laugh
"Thanks." She said, I wiped her tears away with my thumbs, looked into her eyes and said
"I mean it. And you mean the world to me."

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