The Great Jura Alliance (P/5)

622 31 46

Jura Forest
Rimuru's Village- Guest House
Haruto's POV

These guy's won't stop complaining at all...

I can already see why Rimuru-Sama decided to hand this task over to me, he expects me to earn some experience out of this.

The Merfolk are pretty quiet on their part, just sitting there and watching the squabbles. They look like normal human beings from a distance, but on closer look the hold transparent scales on their skins. They wear normal clothes, enough to hide the... Important parts of their bodies. A total of 3 of them, two men and one woman, is present.

The Ogres are shouting at me, perhaps they are angry and think we are underestimating them? Well, in our case, they are pretty pathetic and we can kill them easily. About 8 of them, possibly one from each tribe, are here to represent the Ogres. All of them are men.

The Rabbitmen say nothing, just silently staying in the corner. They look like normal humans but with rabbit ears and bunny tails. A single elderly man and a young lady is here besides them... Well, calling them young would be an understatement. Iver heard Rabbitmen live for about three centuries, mainly because they are vegetarian and tend to flee instead of fighting.

The Beastman appear as humans with animal features, some having whiskers and paws or claws instead of hands. About 5 of them are present over here, with the Leader appearing to be a man with white hair and silver eyes who possess the ears of a wolf.

The Lizardmen consist of one young one, and one older one. They seem a bit angry, but they know they can't do jack shit.

The Tengu and Gozu are arguing back and forth, as if they went from agreeing to disagreeing in a matter of seconds. About 4 of them, two from each side, are present.

Who does this Demon Lord think he is?!

Alot of insults are coming from the Ogres particularly.

The Rabbitmen and Beastmen just stay in the corner, opting to choose not to argue with Rimuru-Sama's decision.

Wise enough they are, to not question a Demon Lord's choice.

The Ogres are, Ofcourse, not the same.

The Tengu and Gozu immediately decided to ceasefire, not insulting eachother anymore and looking at me instead with glares.

The two ogre guards besides me have already almost unsheathed their katanas, ready to hack down anyone.

I simply sighs and began moving to my place in the area, a small mat where the Leader is allowed to sit.

This room is fairly small, only being able to hold up to 40 people max. It has a few mats that cover the entire room, colored red.

The Rabbitmen, Beastmen and Merfolk seem to be down to business.

The Gozu and Tengu can't say much, because they have first hand experience of what a Demon Lord's ally is in terms of strength. The idiots thought they could take on Shizue-San of all people, it didn't take long for them to have their asses kicked.

As for the Ogres, I have no need to focus on them. They can insult me all they like, I don't have any pride to defend to take any offence to such puny insults.

Is he so weak he intended to hide from u-

One second I am near the mat I am supposed to sit on.

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