You want me to help with what??

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It was just in History class, minding my own business, Kaigaku looked different today but it didn't matter. And randomly during the lesson everyone started whispering about Kaigaku.

They kept saying stuff like how Kaigaku has a little brother who's joining. Which is weird since I know Kaigaku and I don't know anything about him having a brother... weird.

Just then Mr. Rengoku's school phone rang. He picked it up and after talking for a little bit he hung up. "Kamado Tanjiro, they wish to see you in the office!!"

Oh... weird. I never get in trouble. Everyone looked around confused that the top student would be requested in the office, so everyone was now whispering about me.

I get up and walk to the office. When I get there I notice 3 people. The first one is our principal, the second one is our school psychologist, and the third a kid I've never seen before.

He had yellow choppy hair, golden brown eyes, he had soft and smooth skin just like from a movie, he had a small figure and he was shorter than me. He was wearing the uniform which looked a little big on him but it's fine, he was wearing a golden bracelet and had a pretty necklace. And not gonna lie he was really cute.

"Kamado Tanjiro," the school psychologist started, "This is Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is related to Kaigaku as his step brother, and we would like you to welcome him to our school and be his guardian"

"What? B- But ma'am, I thought the student council welcome kids, why me?" "Well we have to get to that part, Zenitsu has a communication disorder. It takes a while for him to process, and think of a reaction to things around him."

"This also includes speaking, so he uses sign language to talk, now a few words. One, when talking with Zenitsu be as patient as possible, again he has trouble processing emotions. And two, please try and keep all noise level down. Loud noise can drive anxiety to him, which won't be good. And we chose you since you know sign language. We are also gonna be teaching your class sign language so that they can communicate with him."

This was a little too much. But without any other choice I accepted. "Thank you Tanjiro, this will also take effect on your report card for behavior. We are very grateful for you!! Well now that that's out of the way, Zenitsu, meet Tanjiro."

I put my hand out and Zenitsu looked at it, after 2 seconds he shook it, but quickly before letting go. "Alright Zenitsu, I'll give you a tour of the school, so come on." I grab his hand and we walk off.

I show him everything we have and how everything works. Just then I noticed Kaigaku, "Oh, hello Kaigaku!!" I say.

Kaigaku changed from feeling uncomfortable, to a little bit of anger. "Kamado I swear to fucking god if you mess with my brother!!"

"Kaigaku, it's fine. I'm helping him out, also question does he talk at home??" "Only a few sentences, which is fine he just doesn't feel comfortable talking with people immediately, he's going to speech therapy so he might get better"

Just then I noticed Zenitsu he started doing sign language, "Kaigaku, are we eating out today?" Kaigaku nods and signs, "Yeah, I'm gonna leave, just tell me if anything happens with your new friend"

Zenitsu nods and we go off to class.


It was lunch time so I showed Zenitsu the cafeteria, he wasn't the biggest fan of it because of all the noise. I thought about something but shrugged it off... I don't know if I should tell him yet.

"Zenitsu, I'm gonna use the restroom, I'll be back in 4 minutes!!" I go to the restroom and leave him while he's eating lunch.

After using the restroom I go back and see Kaigaku being held back as these students beat and spill juice all over Zenitsu.

Zenitsu is covering his ears while crying, being held back by the bullies. I run over "what the heck are you doing?!!! Are you insane?!" I grab the bully by the collar and shove him off. Zenitsu is covered in water and juice, "Zenitsu?"

Zenitsu looked at me, he tried to back away. I grab both his hands "Look at me." He looks at me, "It's ok, I'm right here with you" I smile at him, a very warm and genuine smile.

His cheeks flush pink and he starts calming down. Kaigaku was let go and he pushed me out and went to Zenitsu. "Zenitsu!! Ugh those sons of bitches... are you ok??" Zenitsu nods and everyone has to go back to class.

Everyone, including me got into the office. We sat down, I sat next to Zenitsu, holding his hand, reassuring him that it's ok.

After all of us talked about what happened, it was Zenitsu's turn. And like usual Zenitsu said nothing, despite the accusations from the other bullies Zenitsu said nothing. He tried signing, but the vice principal didn't know sign language.

"Miss, I can translate for you." I raise my hand. "Ok go on,"

After translating what Zenitsu said she understood. So in the end the bullies got detention, and the one who was actually hurting Zenitsu got a suspension.

After school I went to Zenitsu, "Hey Zenitsu!! Your ok right?" Zenitsu nods, reassuring me that he's ok. He smiles at me and waves bye. I wave goodbye and go on home.

I was walking with Nezuko when I was going home. She was on call with her girlfriend, and then she hung up. "Hey Tanjiro, Kanao and I are going to the amusement park, we have 2 extra tickets. Do you wanna invite a friend??"

"Oh sure, when??" "Saturday!!" "Alright, I'll see what I can do!!" We continue walking home. I still wanna know more about Zenitsu... he's a really cute guy... w- wait!! What the hell am I saying?! Ugh, this is gonna be a ride to hell...

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