37. Ill Omen

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The eastern region

Three regal robed individuals discussed merrily as they sat around a table carrying assorted meals, fruits and jars.

"Ever since the king heard about the star of doom, he has frequented the temple more often."

"The star of doom is just a star in the sky. Why make a big deal out of it?"

"The Freydor dynasty has always groomed a significant revere for astrology. It's no surprise that the tale of the star of doom can cause the king undue anxiety."

"Even with the archmage as an insurmountable pillar, the foundation of the Freydors is still not secured. There have been turmoils over the years. The revolt of the revolutionists ten years ago and the southern revolt of Gusloe's remnants not too long ago says it all." Prince Billish said with a trace of mockery in his tone. He was the youngest among the three princes of Dawcane. The princes burst into gales of laughter, wallowing in the pleasure of their get together. The room was lively as a troupe of female dancers danced elegantly to the rhythm of their luter. Waiting maidservants were standing polar apart from the folding screen at the end of the room and at the entrance.

"The internal conflict of the royal family is now as clear as daylight. During the archery contest, the second and third prince were involved in a heated dispute. This is going according to our plan. The Freydors couldn't have been more pathetic. Here! A toast to you, brother!" Prince Derin merrily said, pouring wine into his cup and raising it towards Billish. The latter raised his cup in return and drank from it.

"The current regime is not stable. However, we must be careful in order not to fall victim of the slyness of king Elead. He was able to eliminate Gusloe's remnants with the bronze seal. What's more, we still have Prince of Nan investigating us. The king is giving us a warning." Prince Dousan, the eldest advised.

"That's true. Moreover, the king has a group of royal mages training somewhere in the mountains. He's a very meticulous man." Derin finished his thoughts, slightly perturbed.

"Yes. The Dragon Corsairs. They train in isolation so we know almost nothing about them." Billish responded with the same mood. With so many spies planted in the capital by the Dawcanes, their efforts to investigate the royal mages were unproductive. Several of their spies had even died in the process.

In the meantime, just outside the room, two knights were trying to hold up a persistent man from entering. The man kept yelling for an audience with the princes but the knights wouldn't let him in.

"The princes are having a meeting now. They proscribe anyone from entering. Your Lordship, forgive us for being rude." One of them said as they held the hilts of their swords. Just then, a maid with hands on her ventral region came.

"Your Lordship, your audience have been approved." She bowed to the man and moved aside to make way for him. The knights mimicked the maid and bowed their heads.

"Ah! Baron Boln!" Prince Billish exclaimed as soon as Boln stepped in. "How dare they act rudely to the distinguished representative of Prince of Nan." He enounced with ingenuity; more of a ridicule. Boln had repressed anger written on his face. He bowed before making a request.

"Your highnesses, please withdraw your troop guarding the moat."

Billish's face soured in confusion.

"Baron Boln, what do you mean? Are we not entitled to protect our own property?"

"Merging your army with Everdusk is a treasonous act."

"How presumptuous!" Billish barked in utter exasperation.

"I'm doing my job as the overseer of Everdusk. I urge your highness to understand me." Boln strongly insisted, still bowing his head.

"No. I think you're just being nosy."

"Your highness!"

Billish sighed in annoyance then looked at the other princes who were busy swapping secret glances. "What a stubborn fellow." He mumbled under his breath.

Prince Dousan who was slow to anger decided to control the situation. After mulling it for a while, he ceded.

"Fine. We will withdraw the troop." Billish dashed his gaze towards him, ostensibly displeased by the statement.


"I appreciate your understanding." Boln verbalized his gratitude and left the room. Dousan went ahead to give his reasons after Boln left the room.

"Baron Boln was sent here by Prince of Nan to investigate us. We must not give him any loopholes. Our actions must be low-key to avoid spreading the impression that we are making a move." After speaking, he stroked his beard with a thoughtful visage. The other princes found logic in what he said.


In front of the huge orrery stood two men. One of them was an elder while the other was the lieutenant governor. It was one of those nights when the star of doom scintillated boldly in the sky. It was evidently a cause of concern for the nationalists.

"The star of doom have appeared yet again. If this keeps going on, I'm afraid the end will be disastrous." The elder, none other than the state preceptor stated while stroking his white beard in perturbation.

"Master, are the Dawcanes really the heralds of doom?" Gradarin asked. The state preceptor gifted Gradarin by opening his energy vessels to make him fit for practicing magery. Being taught the magic way of the sword, Gradarin regarded the archmage as his master and practiced diligently till he mastered the third stage.

The archmage's eyes fell on him with reason.

"I should as well ask you the same question. Eighteen years ago after we invaded Solice, did you completely wipe out the royal family?" Gradarin became silent with guilt. He spoke only a moment later.

"After you defeated the mage of Solice, our soldiers took down the city gate with battering rams. King Larsen was killed along with other members of the royal family. Only the crown prince, his personal guard and the crown princess escaped. And...at that time the crown princess was pregnant. We searched everywhere for them but in vain. Later on, only the crown prince was captured."

"So the crown prince has a son who is still out there. I see. Now it all makes sense. That kid is from the eastern province. He will bring disaster when he shows up."

"Master, do not worry. The king and I already planned ahead. The reason why we spared the guard was to get the whereabout of the child." The archmage nodded with satisfaction.

"Mm. That is to say when the guard shows up, the whereabout of the kid will be known." Gradarin nodded affirmatively. The archmage continued after a hush sigh.

"We can't let the officials of the royal court know of this. They will question the authenticity of the constellation and it would stir a ruckus that we might not be prepared to handle. They should keep believing that the Dawcanes are heralds of doom for the time being until the kid is found."

"Understood, Master."

"I'm old. I don't have much time left. You must take on the responsibility of protecting this kingdom from ill omen. On the other hand, the Dawcanes are very ambitious. They will cause trouble for us in the future. We must never let our guard down."

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