Happiest We could ever be

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"Aaira baby breakfast !" Akshu yelled for her daughter to come downstairs, a lot has changed over the past 6 years, Abhi and Akshu moved to a different country and had their baby Aaira who is currently five years old. 

"Coming mumma"

"Good morning my queen and princess!" Said Abhi coming downstairs and planting a kiss on Akshu's lips while she smiled softly. Abhi set to work on their breakfast while Akshu went upstairs to help Aaira get ready for the day. Aaira and Akshu both rush downstairs and gobble up their breakfast

"So my little princess what do you want to do today?"

"Well dadda I was thinking to go to the mall today so I can get a new dress for Uncle Neil's wedding"

"That's a great idea baby why don't you get dressed and we can go?" Said Akshu looking at Abhi

"Ok mumma"

"Abhi stop giving me that look"

"What look Akshu?"

"That look you give me that looks like you want to eat me alive"

"What can I do baba you're looking so hot today!" Said Abhi wrapping his arms around her waist

"Abhi control will you? Aaira is here"

"That's not what you said yesterday"

"Abhi!!!" Akshu yelled blushing uncontrollably 

"Don't Abhi me Akshu you asked for this when you want to marry me" Abhi said winking at her but Akshu fell silent, she doesn't like being reminded of that day as it always hurt her knowing how much her sister hated her

"Akshu I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that-"

"No Abhi it's fine and yes I knew exactly what I signed up for when I agreed to marry you" Akshu laughed and hugged Abhi happily, whether he knew it or not Abhi was her life, she couldn't live without him or Aaira.

"Even I can't live without you jaan" Abhi said looking at her and then she realized that she spoke aloud 

"Abhi promise me one thing"

"What is it Akshu?"

"Promise me you'll never leave me"

"What? Jaan I would never"

"Please Abhi"

"I promise you Akshu I will never leave you I will always be with you at your side for life"

"Thank you Abhi I love you so much!"

"I love you too Akshu more than my life"

As soon as Abhi said that Aaira ran downstairs and jumped in their arms, no matter what happened this was their family and this will always be their family, Abhira and their little baby

"Mumma dadda I know you two love each other but you have love of me too right?"

"Of course my baby we love you just as much as we love each other" said Abhi kissing her hands



"Ok now are you ready to head to the mall?"

"Yes mumma let's go"

They reach the mall

"Mumma can we go to Laura to get some dresses please?"

"Haa let's go"

They were about to head into Laura when Akshu pales and looks at Abhi and Abhi quickly takes Aaira away while Akshu goes to talk to the person she just saw



"Akshu what are you doing here?"

Akshu quickly composes herself and stands straight looking at him directly in the eyes 

"I live here with my family Kairav what are you doing here?"

"Family? Akshu what family are you talking about you're family is in Udaipur and what is this nonsense calling me Kairav I'm your Bhaiya no?"

"No Kairav, you were my Bhaiya but then I realized you always put Aru first, I was just a little kid Kairav, I looked up to you I begged you not to send me to the boarding school but you still did! You put your other sister over me and I'm not going to lie Kairav it hurt, it hurt a lot but I have put that behind me and I've created my own happy family here, just me, Abhi and my daughter"

"Is this All that Birla's doing? Did he manipulate you and make you come here? Where is that b*tch"

"KAIRAV GOENKA! You do NOT talk about my husband that way do you understand? He is the only one who loved me and supported me, this is not his doing it's your doing, you and the Goenkas made me into this person and now you have to pay the consequences"

Aaira runs and jumps into Akshu's arms with Abhi running after her and looking at Akshu helplessly

"I'm sorry Akshu I tried"

"No it's fine Abhi, Aaira baby meet Kairav uncle"

"Actually I'm your mumma's-"

"He was my friend in college baby and now he has come here and we just knocked into each other" said Akshu glaring at Kairav daring him to tell Aaira who he actually is

"Hello Kairav"

"Hello Abhimanyu"

"Abhi I was thinking to invite him for lunch tomorrow you know for old times sake"

"Haa Akshu I thinks that's a great idea"Abhi said looking at Kairav as if he was going to kill him, Abhi knew what the Goenkas did to Akshu and he hated them for it and this was one of the ways he was going to take revenge from Kairav for hurting his Akshu

"Ok then Kairav you can't meet us at 345 Gilcrest Avenue"

"Ok Akshu-"

"Tut tut Kairav in these years we haven't met did you forget that only my family can call me Akshu strangers can't" Akshu said giving him a sickly sweet smile while Abhi snickered

"Sorry Aksh...ara I'll meet you there then"

"Goodbye Kairav"

"Goodbye Akshara

A/N: sooo how was it? I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you guys think, I'm introducing some new plots that I have given hints to in my chapters, if you think you know what might happen please let me know😊 are there going to be any problems in our Abhira's life😈

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