Chapter 1

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Please read the first book I've written: "Not even the world can separate you and me apart"

Instruction: Click my profile, then works, and scroll down to the very bottom.
IT'S VERY important as it has a connection to this story.
DO NOT read this book when you haven't read that first. It is to avoid further confusion as this story continues.

Trust me. It's gonna be interesting...


Year: 3001
Location: Green Island of Asley
Planet: Mars

Michikatsu sighed for the third time, looking out the clean windows in boredom, propping his elbows on a cemented table with his chin resting on his hands.

His attempts to escape have been futile since the mansion is built like it has a mind of its own. His older brother, a genius since birth who is now a scientist and an engineer of any kind, tinkered with the house and ultimately created a complex system that functions like an Artificial Intelligence Robot in which it can do anything such as clean by itself, control the interior and exterior house appliances, and even speak through voice activation.

It can also lock up a person effectively... specifically, a barely adult Michikatsu Tsugikuni. A house perfect for imprisoning a beloved one.

Their world is too incredibly and highly advanced that humanity had even inhabited a planet called Mars. Ever since the issue of overpopulation became a big threat, it pushed scientists, engineers, doctors, and any other significant individuals with great minds, including the government and every department that exist in every single country, to work together with no regard for the economic crisis just to build technology so advanced that shall bring hope to the next future generation of people.

This massive downfall happened centuries and centuries ago. A past that shall never be forgotten. A new era has begun. "The Modern World" has ended and is now just a mere history to the next generations, encrypted in techsbook which can only be utilized by the government and schools as a subject.

The world has evolved... "The Advanced Society." It can also be called, "The Advancement of Two Worlds."

Earth still exists, of course. Humans can still live there, but only employed workers who are intent on fixing the Earth back to its former glory can reside. Specifically, only with the permission of the government from Mars, they can live there since Earth has become a dangerous place. With the ozone layer inevitably destroyed, the demise of Antarctica and the South and the North Pole since the ice completely melted, too many wildfires taking place in every forest, and natural disasters occurring every single day... It makes sense why only a few selected people can reside there, mentioning the fact that their purpose is to make Earth a better place to live in again.

And it's possible since their technology has advanced a hundredfold. But even with such technology, it will take time for one problem and another to be solved. And those people had to work harder than ever... They are called, 'RPWI Specialists', also known as 'Resolving Prominent Worldly Issues as Specialists.'

Yoriichi Tsugikuni is one of them. He is one of the few selected people to serve humanity with a genius mind and with a kind heart. As an engineer who specializes in everything; in chemical, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering categories, oftentimes, he would venture to Earth and build structures and devices that can potentially aid fellow members of RPWI. His work is widely known and has been a great help to humanity.

But not to Michikatsu.

Unlike his older brother, he doesn't have a genius mind. To him, he is just an unlucky soul who was born into the Tsugikuni family. The young adult considers himself as 'normal' yet the odd one out, whereas, he calls his brother a 'monster' yet the hope of humanity.

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