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No one's POV:
A very weird scream woke the purple boi up, so like any normal person would do: he grabbed his knife and got up immediately. " Really Mysta?" Sho said. Mysta had fell face first on the ground and made the scream. " Now I can't fall back to sleep u idiot." The purple one said.

Shoto's POV:
After I finish beating Mysta, I checked the time. It turns out I had the interview today, so I rushed to get dressed. I wore my black turtleneck, purple jacket, black jeans, and some jewelry.

I then said bye to Mysta, but before I left he yelled to not flirt on the interview. Ugh like I'm going to flirt with a total stranger. So I walked to the place ( it's ain't far) and finally I got there.

No one's POV:
Shoto opened the door just to see the servers in BUNNY SUITS. Sho was confused and stood at the door for at least 3min, until a server asked him if he wanted sm. The pur pur boi said he had a appointment for a job.

The server then took him to a door and mouthed " good luck" to him.

Shoto's POV:
What the hell did I apply for?! I thought I was going to work for a cafe not a mf club?! But... This place makes good money. So I open the door to a dim lit room.

Maybe this is the bosses place, idk, but it's hella organized. I sat at one the chair in front of me, staring at the back of a chair till it spun around. And I saw a GoRgEoUs man with strong arms and black hair w/ red streaks. I may have started for a long time cus this man cleared his throat 3 times.

Then he looked me up and down, making me flush a bit.

311 words
Howa doing?
2 chp end!!!!!

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