Truth, Forgiveness,Love

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A.N. This chapter is a semi-filler chapter, so if you don't want to read this chapter, for it is pretty smut heavy, but does have some character development, but again if you don't want to read this chapter then just wait for the next chapter. So this is your first warning you get two more later in the chapter and then after that well you're the one reading but anyways enjoy the chapter.

As our intrepid hero Orion and friend Samuel have recovered they are now on the hunt for the one who almost killed them, but now we go to see how his family are handling things.

"Dani, he is not dead," Cassandra says annoyed but cares for her sister.

"How do you know! Just leave me alone!" Dani shouts,

"My lady, may I speak to her?" Marella asks.

Cassandra just gestures to her to go ahead as she walks away.

"Lady Daniella?" Marella says walking into the room, the witch sees Dani inside a blanket cocoon and can hear soft sniffles escape the girl, "Dani, he's ok" Marella says, "How do you know" Daniella says sniffling?

"Because he is the strongest, bravest, strong-willed, not to mention hard-headed person I know, do you want to hear about when we were younger?" Marella asks the girl, and Dani simply nods, "Okay then scoot over" Marella says and begins to recount stories of her and Orion's childhood.

Marella and Dani continue to talk as Alcina is worried not because of the threat they just faced but because of how this event is going to affect her youngest, "Alci stop worrying" Valdis says, "I am not" Alcina says, but then immediately stiffens when she is given a look by Morel.

"I'm sorry it's just the whole thing is so much for me dealing with the packs that was Orion's job and with him gone Dani hasn't been the same I'm just ugh that stupid man-thing," Alcina says growling and Valdis gets up and grabs her hands "dear, sit" Valdis says and makes her sit on the bed.

"If you have this I'll go see how Saph and the kids are doing," Morel says and Valdis nods and Morel leaves the room.

Morel leaves the room and goes to find Saph, which she does, finding her with Pytor and Serena in the living room with Serena curled up hugging a pillow sniffling a little.

"It's ok Rena he'll be back," Saph says.

"Hey, how is she doing?" Morel asks quietly.

Saph looks at her mother and shakes her, "Oh poor baby, let me take her for a bit, you go grab yourself something to eat" Morel says.

"Ok ma," Saph says as Morel takes Saph's spot and comforts Serena who has been feeling sad ever since the incident while Pytor has just been staying close to his sister and keeping her safe which makes her smile and she begins to lightly sing a lullaby to Serena which puts her to sleep.

"Hey ma," Bela says as she walks into the living room, "oh sorry, how is she?" Bela adds softly.

"She's sad and misses her father," Morel says.

"I see, poor baby," Bela says and sits next to the asleep Serena, "where's mother?" Bela asks Morel softly.

"Valdis is helping deal with her stress and anger over the recent situation," Morel says, which Bela immediately knows what that means.

"Relax Alci," Valdis says, as she is straddling Alcina's lap as they sit on the edge of their bed.

A.N. If you don't like what comes next, then just don't read it and move on, this is a chapter for those who do or just like smut in general and to be fair there are fics with this type of stuff in it alright, anyway story continues below....

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