Part 2

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It had been over a few weeks since he had last heard from his brother. Klonoa arrives within Volk city to not only do some sight seeing, but to also check in with the bounty hunting wolf. It was when he heard some of the fellow towns people talking about how they haven't seen the older cabbit, how one day he was helping around and doing a charity work along side the golden killer. It was if he had suddenly vanished. But also how in the few days, the golden killer was searching with no luck, concerned but had asked the head of police to aid him in his search. Klonoa went to go and ask, which thankfully the dragon cop was there.

Suiryu: Klonoa, if you wish to help in this search. I'd like for you to help Guntz from taking reckless measures. I worry about him.

Klonoa: Don't worry Suiryu, I will. I know he's worried about Aero too.

Suiryu: And one more thing, if you do end up finding your brother, , ,don't be afraid to give a call. 

Klonoa gave him a nod and smile, before heading out to Guntz's home. He could see that the golden killer to be by his bike, as he was getting things ready. He was able gather not only new weapons and ammo, but also stocking up on items to take with. This appears to be a serious hunt. The dream traveler had asked on what happened with Aero. The wolf had brought him up to speed as to what went down. How he was talking with Aero through the communicator, then the next day, nothing was heard. And how he spent the next few days waiting for a response, him trying to get any input from his partner, only to result in nothing. He was even asking if anyone has seen Aero, only to find that no one has seen any sign of the cabbit. Aside from purchasing a few items from shops. Guntz made sure to bring this up with the chief of police to help him in his search. Now he was going to Garlen's mansion and see if he had done anything to Aero. Klonoa being shocked and worried, was willing to help out.

Klonoa: If Garlen is doing something to him, then I want to help!

Guntz: Good to hear you're on board. That way he'll know who he's messed with. Let's roll!

The duo had driven to the manor, where Guntz had parked his bike away from the building as him and Klonoa went up to the door. While Klonoa was impatient to get this rescue started, Guntz had other plans. He didn't want to just barge in as he knew the general was a twisted man with devices and traps waiting. He knows that they would need to play this smart if they hope to get some leads as to where Aero could be. When they were greeted by the voice of Garlen, he invited them to test his newest weapon. Both were not expecting him to bring out some kind of crazy machine or something. Garlen had at least politely allowed them entrance to the testing room. As the duo were making their way, while also dealing with incoming enemies. They were going over the plan that they would need to split up as one would search the place while the other distracted whatever Garlen had planned for the them.

Guntz: Klonoa, think you can keep these guys distracted? Just long enough for me to get things into place!

Klonoa: Can do! Just don't get caught!

Guntz: Same to you!

When they gone their separate ways, as means to cover more ground. Guntz had a trick up his sleeve, and that was placing a well hidden bomb within a hard to see location. Where it would blow the place up, once they get Aero out of there. As Klonoa was making his way in, he managed to come across a room that looked to be unguarded. Deciding that he should check, just incase there was something useful. It was dark, with only the screen of the monitors being the only source of light. As Klonoa looks around, he noticed names being listed onto the screen, names that he did not recognize, and those he did.

Klonoa: W-what is all of this? Why would Garlen have all of these people's names listed here? And what is he planning to do with them?

It was when he noticed a file, which was under Aero's name, curious he clicks on it. And what he saw was what looks like entries written by Garlen himself. It looked like some kind of project, it even had a name. The name, Primal Gene. Klonoa's never heard of that before, but does read on what it has to say about this new discovery.

"Entry 1. The only one to arrive sure was something I wasn't expecting. He almost looked like that cabbit child I had encountered the few times before. Could they be somehow connected? I'll need to study him through these experiments to get the results."

"Entry 2. That boy did pretty well for his first few courses. It reminds me of the dream champ tournament I organized. He was confident, not fazed by some of the obstacle courses. His abilities range from being accurate with his targets, to swimming without issue. While he doesn't appear to posse the ability to  glide, his ability to jump super high comes in handy. I even speculate that he makes use of some kind of keen hearing, during one of the big bosses I sent out. Overall, it didn't seem like anything was different. Although I did pick up some strange behaviors. I will need to take more notes to know just what kind of specimen i'm dealing with here." 

"Entry 3. Aero has become more interesting, the more I put him through these experiments. It's fascinating to learn about what makes him tick. Such as phantom beasts startling him out of nowhere, turns out he reacts to when something spooks him, guess the rabbit and cat within still show a more flighty response. Yet has shown to quite confident, or how friendly he was with some of the more docile ones. But this one I have seen, it was what I had been searching for. . .I will have to study this kind of behavior, and document it."

"Entry 4. After sometime I had been able to monitor this new discovery. The sheer anger, the speed and strength, and determination! It is unlike that of Klonoa's, this feels like one's inner strength has been hiding from within for a long time. I will call this, Primal Gene."

"Entry 5. Signs of the Primal side, are easy to spot. Those being the change in additude and behavior. Fallowed by the fur going wild, to the eyes becoming to that of a wild beast. And from studying further from the data I received from his check up, , ,this was more then what I could've asked for in results."

"Entry 6. . .I have found something interesting while looking into this new discovery. Joka has managed to catch the cabbit using a new ability. Some kind of electricity coming from that weapon of his. It carries the same amount of energy as Klonoa's ring. . .I wonder if I can somehow make use of that kind of power."

"Entry 7. The genes of this cabbit, they're. . .they're incredible! And with his cooperation, I know that I will gain a loyal fallower. One that will only obey on my commands, those with this Primal Gene, there are so many opportunities for bringing out their true potential! A new step in my plan, with both my machines, along with advance soldiers. . ."

"Entry 8. He's becoming more and more aggressive, and his power has increased! I had never seen such ferocity before. The body has been able to resist more elements and physical pain. He is able to use that hidden power within, , ,such energy that is able to rival my weapons! I told Janga to test that power and see if anything could defeat him."

"Entry 9. Something seemed off, the beast did not attack, rather it appeared to be staring at Janga. Interesting, it appears that he is able to recognize those he has seen before, , ,instead it was shown signs of hesitation? Not even the Moos would show behavior like that. This would not do, this experiment was close, meaning I cannot let things be put to setback. I must take drastic measures, thus I ordered Janga to get the beast to fight. I could see that he also did not wish to push further, as he recognized the cabbit. In fact he looked disgusted with my experiment. I have known the poison claw for a number of years, and has never once had much issues with them. . .Could he have some kind of connection with Aero? No matter, I will find other ways to make this work, and insure that this experiment is flawless. . ."

"Entry 10. It, , ,it is finally done. Project Primal has been completed. He is ready for his first real mission. Surly those who try to intrude shall be greeted with something truly dreadful."

Once Klonoa had finished reading, he felt his stomach turn, he was disturbed at what Garlen was hiding. And just imagining this happening to his own brother, , ,it seemed too much to even believe it to be true. He knew his brother was capable, but Klonoa knew that he had limits, which included things like the trauma's he's had within the past. So learning about this, made him even more determined to save him.

Klonoa: Aero, , ,i'm coming for you. We will get you back.

He glances at his ring, and then headed out the door, knowing that this will be a not so easy mission. After all was set in place, Guntz met up with Klonoa, who had managed to clear a pathway. The dream traveler had told the bounty hunting wolf what happened, and needless to say, Guntz was not at all thrilled to hear that. But now they both know how serious it was. The question was, if they had to fight Aero in some kind of form, could it be possible to snap him out of it? They arrived and see the dog man had been waiting patiently, and done his usual monologue and his reasons for doing this. Where what Guntz had pulled before after being hired. And how Klonoa made him look like fool while also destroying his last conquering plan.

Guntz: Well someone sure took their losses like an A-class loser. Also my motto was pretty clear, you hire me, and I expected to get my rewards. But if you hurt people I care about, then all bets are off.

Garlen: You really are that bounty hunter's kid. 

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