Chapter 1: We're bad, but we're so good at it

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It begins at 15:58 at a sunny day at San Francisco, California. Inside a café were nobody but two animals reside in, one a wolf and other a snake as they're having a conversation.

"Stop." Snake grumpily said.
"Just, please, explain to me and I'll considered it—" Wolf said before being interrupted.
"Just drop it."
"Alright, alright, I'll drop it."

Mr. Snake grins as he pours sugar into his cup, maybe a little too much.

"I mean, come on, everybody loves birthdays!" Mr. Wolf chuckles as Mr. Snake groans. "You get presents, decorations, and cake!"
"Look, Wolf; I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and... I'm not a cake-guy." Snake explains.
"Are you saying you don't like cake? Come on. Name one thing better than a cake."
"Guinea pig."


"Seriously. Again with the guinea pigs?" Wolf said, still uncomfortable with the fact that Snake was worse than the gang. "You know, I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't even taste the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig."
"Wrong!" Snake replied as he explained, again. "Snakes have an impeccable taste-buds. In fact, I can taste air."
"Yes, air."

Mr. Snake licks the air, then sat back.

"Well, it's just..." Mr. Wolf said again. "They're a bit too cute for my taste."
"That's what makes them so delicious!" Mr. Snake exclaimed. "You're not just eating food, you're eating pure goodness! It's not about eating a pig, it's about what symbolizes on a deeper level!"
" you can taste air?"

Mr. Snake groans, knowing where this is going.

"Forget it." He said as Wolf giggles.
"What else can you do? Can-can you hear colors? Or see sounds?" The anthromorphic canine asks as his friend barfs up an alarm-clock.
"Oh, look at this! It's 4:00 pm. Now we know the exact moment our friendship died."
"Let's bounce off."

Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake then gets off the dining-table and walked around, now us viewing a bunch of scared customers in the corner.

"But, yeah, you're gonna stick with the bill. Again." Wolf said.
"Well, it is my birthday." Snake spoke as Wolf looked at him with disaproval.
"Oh, so now you're playing the birthday card? That's interesting."

Snake chuckles as he and Wolf stood by the desk. Wolf checks but nobody was there.

"Hello? Checkity check check." He called and a woman comes out of the bathroom, who goes back in from the sight of these two. "You know, I'm just gonna leave the money right here. Okay?"

Mr. Wolf then leaves tips and the table as he and Mr. Snake walked around for a bit.

"You know what's good about this place?" He said.
"What?" The wolf asked.
"We don't have to wait for the table."
"Isn't that for every place?"

The duo then saw another group of customers hiding behind a chair.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not actually gonna—SNAKE ATTACK!" Mr. Snake said before jumping onto the desk, scaring the people more, then he noticed a bowl. "Ooh, mints."
"Sorry about that. Snake's being grumpy as ever." Wolf spoke as Snake swallows the whole bowl, both of them then at the front-doors.
"Let's do this." They both said in unision as they now headed outside.

As Wolf and Snake walk through the street, people notices the duo and ran away in terror with vehicles stopped from the sight of these guys. The duo then headed to the bank.

"Guinea pig, huh?" Wolf spoke.
"It's the roil rolls of fat that makes them delicious." Snake replied.
"Yeah, but it's still a rodent. You get what I'm saying, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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