Chapter Ten ㅡ Who Is He In The Mirror?

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You are my journey and my destination.

My life without you,
Is something I can't bear.

"Kim Seungmin... I fucking love you."

I worship you,
Chanting your name in every prayer.

My life without you,
Is something I can't bear.

Minho grinned and got up, making his way to his bathroom. He turned on the lights and leaned over the sink, looking at the reflection that stared back at him.

Kim Seungmin.

The man that lived inside Lee Minho's mind rent-free. He flooded his veins, with each breath Minho took, Seungmin resided in them.

You amaze me with your insecurities.
And you make me forget my own.

With every blink of an eye, every step of his foot, every bite of the food he ate, every snap of his fingers, He only fell deeper and deeper for Seungmin.

It was slowly driving him insane, the urge to savour his lips each time the younger opened his mouth to speak, the burning sensation in his palms each time he witnessed the younger's hands resting alone with no one to hold them... it was driving him insane.

The only purpose of my life,
Is to be worthy of your love.

Because my life without you,
Is something I can't bear.

The tears in Minho's eyes welled up the longer he stared into the mirror.

The person in the mirror...

He started looking like a stranger...

Soon, he tears started tripping down like never-ending rain. The wave of his emotions came crashing to his shoulder like waves on a shore, and it became harder for him to withstand the pain.

My heart and brain aren't mine as much as it's yours.

The pain you've given to me,
I've accepted it like a sole present from you.

The person in the mirror...
It wasn't the Minho his family knew.

The person in the mirror...
It wasn't the Lee Know stays knew.

The person in the mirror...
Was a lonely boy, longing for love.

Minho's knees came collapsing on the ground, and he wailed hard, his shoulders shuddering with the force of his emotions.

His heart was clenching tight in pain. It was becoming harder to bear.

My sky searches for your land,
And if not on the ground, then meet me in the sky.

My life without you,
Is something I can't bear.

What had he become?

Had love turned him that crazy?

Minho harshly wiped the tears off his face and stood up straight. No, he couldn't let his vulnerable side get the best of him.

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