🍌 Banana 🍌

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Earth glared at p'Bouy for letting Mix out for buying some snacks. Like hell the whole floor of the GMM is filled with food support from fans but the little shit went out to buy something, he always takes his own sweet time for his shopping and that's what he is doing now too..

Earth wanted to go home he was tired already he hurried to this photoshoot from his series shooting, which he was shooting from last night.

Speaking of the devil, here he comes skipping the steps, well he doesn't even want to scold that happy looking face.

"Finished" he heard and turned to see Off and Gun walking towards Tay and New who was seated near the table near him. So only Earth and Mix were left to take the pics.

"P'Erd... Look what I found. Our favourite brand of maple syrup"

Earth pinched the tip of his nose. He doesn't want to scold him. He gritted his teeth "is it so important now"

Mix could feel the anger, but he is in a playful mood, he leaned closer with a smiling face. "I suddenly wanted to Eat banana dipped in maple syrup"

Earth's eyes widened as Gun choked on his drink which he was drinking...

Earth turned around and gave a apologetic smile to Gun and Off.. well atleast Tay looked oblivious and New didn't care playing his games in his cell..


"Your banana tastes good with maple syrup can I have a quick bite"

No no no he shouldn't let Mix talk more or else someone is getting a heart attack soon...

"You take lots of time so you can eat after going home" saying that he pulled Mix away to the shoot...

Tay: it hardly takes 10seconds to eat banana.. why Earth is not letting the poor boy have his snack?

Off and Gun looked at the confused Tay.

Off: it must be hard to be you, Tay.. i will pray to God for you....

Tay: what?

Gun pulled Off "papii I want banana too"

"Someone will interrupt you here let's go home"

Tay: It's just a banana Off, you can let Gun eat here .

Off wanted to bang Tay's head... Nevermind he already behaves like a head injury kid.

"New he is your problem"

Saying that Off pulled Gun with him...

Tay turned to look at New.

"Man what's wrong with eating banana here? And it's gonna take hardly 10seconds. I can eat faster than that"

New: No Tay you take atleast a good 20 mins for eating a banana


New looked Tay from top to bottom and his eyes lingered around the waistband of his pant for a good 1 minute.

A lightning striked that injured brain

Tay: oh ..... OH........ OH MY GOD!!!!

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