Untrustworthy Ally

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Green Beetle got us out of there, thankfully. We retreated into the farms and flew a very good distance from the Reach facility, meeting up with Nightwing and Superboy at Kent farms, run by Superboy's adoptive parents.

Or more it's Superboy's adoptive brother's adoptive parents that then later adopted him. It's just a lot of adopting.

"Thanks for the use of your barn, Mr. Kent," Nightwing spoke to the older gentleman. "Until we can check out this Green Beetle, we can't afford to bring him to our HQ, lost to many of those already."

"We'll he's not the oddest thing we've had in this barn," Mr. Kent chuckled, placing a hand on Superboy's shoulder. "And I'll take any excuse to see one of my boys."

Nightwing, Superboy and I returned to the rest of the group with Green Beetle, unsure if he'll be a powerful ally, or a deadly foe.

"My name is B'aars O'ohm," Green Beetle introduced himself. "And obviously, I am of Mars."

"Obviously," I muttered, sizing him up.

"It's the beetle part that's got us wondering," Blue Beetle spoke up. "How are you connected to The Reach?"

"My story, I imagine, is not all dissimilar to yours," B'aars said. "On Mars, I am what you would call an archaeologist. Two of your Earth years ago, I stumbled upon a scarab which attached itself to my person."

"That last part sounds familiar," Blue muttered.

"From the scarab, I learned of The Reach and their plan for the galaxy," Green continued. "Millenia ago, they sent out one scarab to every planet sporting primitive life. The scarab bonds with and takes full control over its host, giving The Reach an advanced operative for their inevitable invasion." 

"But my scarab malfunctioned and didn't take full control, that's why The Reached wants to reboot it by killing me," Blue realized. "So did your scarab malfunction too?"

"No," Green shook his head. "My scarab was not prepared for the martian physiology which allowed me to take control of the scarab instead of the other way around."

My eyes narrowed at his words. They almost sounded rehearsed in a way. My instincts were going crazy not to trust this guy, that there was something, off, about him.

"That still doesn't explain how you ended up here," I spoke up. Glaring at him slightly.

"For decades, the one you call Martian Manhunter has sent communications from your world to ours," He explained. "Television signals. They are quite entertaining."

"All martians love televisions," Impulse chimed in.

"Indeed," Green chuckled. "But when it became clear The Reach were on Earth, I believed my assistance here would be required."

"The Justice League will need to confirm your story," Nightwing said. "But for now, thanks."

Everyone went off and did their own thing, Robin and Nightwing meeting up a corner of the barn to discuss some mission details while I hung out in a different corner, observing everyone.

"You know you can't trust him whatsoever, right?" I closed my eyes in annoyance. This voice had been mysteriously quiet the last few weeks, but I knew it be back again.

"Shut it," I hissed.

"Don't be so rude, I'm only making a comment on your own observation," The voice seemed to swirl around me. "You know, you could just accept my help and then you'd be stronger, and-"

"And you practically control me, so I hurt everyone around me?" I cut off with a scoff. "No thanks, I would really appreciate it if you just disappeared."

The voice chuckled and I felt hands wrapping around my throat, but when I reached up to my neck, I felt nothing there, "If you think you can get rid of me, you're sorely mistaken. We're one now, and don't ever forget that."

"We're one now?" I asked myself as I felt the invisible hands fade away.

"Hey," I looked up to see Conner approaching me. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I good," I gave him a nod.

"You sure?" Conner chuckled.

I shrugged, "I don't exactly trust the new beetle."

"Well, to be fair, you don't really trust anyone," Conner chuckled.

"True, but you can't tell me that this isn't all just a complete coincidence," I turned to him fully. "The Reach has been looking to turn Jamie's Beetle to their side, and suddenly we get a beetle that can help solve our problems and stop them? Please, if I'm the only one who sees this as suspicious, everyone are plain fools."

"Ever the cynic, huh," Conner shook his head. 

"Just being realistic," I shrugged. "Now I'm out of here, call me when the next crisis happens, I guess."

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