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(Play the song it's say something)

"(Y/N) I...I don't lo-" Craig kept repeating to him self out loud, he could feel the nervousness bubbling inside of him. His head was spinning, his palms were sweaty

He thought he was over-reacting and it was just a harmless sentence. But he knew deep down it ment much more than that. He could barely say it for godsakes

He traced a gentle hand over your shared bed sheets. You and him had been in love for so long... you had even discussed having kids. He smiled at the thought

Two boys one girl, running around, squealing and laughing. Throwing toys around and making a mess that you and mini could clean up together

To say you were happy would be an understatement and to say that Craig joined you in sharing that happiness would also be wrong

He had changed a lot since the first year you two were 'together', he thought he had lost that spark that he once felt towards you

He thought he had lost the love that he once felt towards you as well, only he wasn't 100% sure yet. He couldn't tell if he still felt the same way he did before

He pushed himself up and shakily walked into the cold, empty bathroom with slow steps. Grasping his hair he looked up at himself, grimacing at his appearance

His skin was pale, almost white. His eyes were red at the corners and his hands were shaking with nervousness

He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to see the look on your face. He didn't want to see the pain he had caused you in your eyes

He lied and pretended it was all real for so long, you believed it, you trusted that it was real and you loved him back with all your heart

He hated what he made you feel, he lied and he could never get his head around how it should've been said long ago

"I can't do this anymore, I don't lo-" he tried again, and he still couldn't bring himself to say it. He didn't want to admit it, even to himself. He didn't want to let you go

But he knew it was true. He didn't love you anymore, he didn't want to kiss you, hug you or even look at you

He was so ashamed of himself he didn't want to even hear your name again. He had decided that when he said it he just wasn't going to look at you

He the thought it was cowardly but he knew it was the only way he would say it.

The sound of the door opening brought him out of his thoughts. He knew that you were home and he would have to face you

He took a few deep breaths before calling your name "(Y/N)!" He shouted, it echoed through the hallways. When he herd no reply he sighed heavily

He thought you were trying to make it harder for him to say. So he made his way downstairs, the cold air hitting his face gently.

When he saw you standing there at the door he felt his throat tighten. Was he really going to do this? He didn't want to but he had to...

"(Y-Y/N)" he shook out. He tried his best to stay as calm as possible. He noticed how you didn't look up at him, he noticed how your body language remained still, no movement

"Are you-" he started but never got to finish because you had cut him off, harshly

"Spit it out already" your voice cracked more with each word. He let out a long sigh and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand nervously

"(Y/N)...I love you, more than anything but...not as a couple, as friends? We were ment to be, we were so happy but now I don't feel what I used to

Um...There no nice way to put it so...(Y/N) I...I" he let out a small, almost inaudible laugh of pity, mostly aimed at himself

"Just spit it out Craig!" You raised your voice to almost a shout, he jumped slightly but quickly regained his posture in a matter of seconds

"I...I don't love you anymore"

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