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Bottom Harry and Liam, cause why tf not.


"i'm horny, fuck"

"Niall! We're eating our food on canteen, you can't just say that such a thing It's gross" Harry whispered yelled at him, Niall giggles.

"I'm joking babe, by the way did you finish your homework?" He asked while stuffing a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"we have homework?" Harry ask with a frown and Niall freezed.

"What the fuck? I thought you're finish it that's why i'm not doing it so i'm just gonna copy yours, shit we're fucked haz we're gonn' die-"

"no silly i already finish, and no you cannot copy mine" Harry smile innocently but Niall hissed.

"Jeez, please haz you're a very kind person you know"

"I know"

"You're annoying" Harry giggles happily.

"Alright i'll let you copy mine but you have to buy me an ice cream after school" Harry smiled, wiping his lips that full of ketchup.

"But you just eat your ice cream like yesterday?" Niall raise his eyebrows.


"Alright then"


"I want two scoops, vanilla and strawberry please!" Harry said excitedly and Niall just admiring him with a big smile, his best friend is just the cutest soul ever.

"And i'll take mint chocolate chip two three scoops please" Nial smiled and they both walked sliding to the table that said 'take here'

" Wait!" Harry turned back to the staff and read the menu that was placed on the table.

"Is this a new smoothies drink?" Harry ask and the staff smile and nodded their head.

"I want one please, he will pay for the drink" Hary smile as he point at Niall and then he does a small run to a table waiting for his order and Niall look so confused until the staff called him.

After a moment of waiting, Niall walk to their table and he put the glass of smoothies and he sat on his chair with a deep breath but Harry smile.

"I'm sorry, it looks fun and pretty, look Ni It's colorful!" Harry raised his glass and brought it closer to Niall's face and Niall pushed the glass away from his face.

"Jeez, i see it haz 'm not blind" The door to the ice cream shop was opened and a man came inside with closed clothes, black jeans, black hoodie, black and white vans, Niall and Harry didn't see his face cause who cares anyways, there's ice-cream in front of their face.

"So haz you know this guy he's pretty cute but i don't know i'm not into guys but like he's cute but i'm not gay but-"

"Okay okay Ni calm down i get it, you said it again and again" Harry said as he slurp on his smoothies and moan cause the taste is amazing as fuck.

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