Chapter 5

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-For the hair styles and makeup, you can choose your own, you don't have to go with the ones I have chosen! :) - Moonstar

 "Okay! Let's do this!" Biana cheered. She walked over to me and smiled. I gulped as she began to style my hair first, after a while with several tugs and pulls and the occasional ow, she backed up and said, with a smirk on her face:

 "Now the makeup!" she exclaimed. Linh asked if she could do it and Biana and I agreed. Linh wouldn't put too much makeup. Before starting the makeup I took a look at the hair style:

(I found this on Pinterest and wanted to do it myself -Moonstar)

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(I found this on Pinterest and wanted to do it myself -Moonstar)

 "Linh, please don't put too much makeup on me." I said. My skin was sensitive and I always had to take it carefully.

 (I actually have sensitive skin and I always have to clean it and take care of it. -Moonstar)

Linh carefully applied the makeup on and took care of the occasional stray hair. I sat still for how long, I didn't know but I trusted Linh and let her do her thing, after maybe 15 mins, Linh stepped back.

 "Bam! I am the MAKE-UP QUEEN!" she said triumphantly. All of us reeled away from her, due to the water droplets spraying us due to Linh's excitement, we all laughed and I took a look at my make up. 

(I really like this kind of make-up, light and simple, if you want another look then you can put something else you would prefer

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(I really like this kind of make-up, light and simple, if you want another look then you can put something else you would prefer. -Moonstar)

 "Thanks Linh, this looks great!" I said, the adorable girl beamed and grinned. 

 "No problem!" she replied. Biana grinned and after everyone got their make-up done, Biana said:

 "We need dresses! NOW!" she exclaimed. Me and Sophie edged away, but Linh and Biana dragged us into Biana's HUGE closet. It was big enough to fit 30 dresses plus shoes and accessories! Biana grinned.

 "Y/N your first!" she called and dragged me into the closet further. All the dresses were gorgeous, but too many sparkles. But one caught my eye, it was subtle but so pretty. I pointed it out to Biana and she grinned. She grabbed it for me and let me try it on.

 (If you like any kind of dress, please put it in, this is just the one I chose, I found all dresses and makeup on Pinterest!)

 (If you like any kind of dress, please put it in, this is just the one I chose, I found all dresses and makeup on Pinterest!)

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After trying it on, I walked out and all of my friends stared and started gushing and talking about it. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought; Wow I look amazing....

 Biana smiled and she said one person was done and who was next, the next person going in was Sophie, and she wore a amazing red dress, cause red looks good on her and a certain person will like it too;).

 Linh wore a beautiful pale baby blue dress, with tiny diamond-like star crystals

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 Linh wore a beautiful pale baby blue dress, with tiny diamond-like star crystals. Biana, went for a pretty purple with pink in a gradient design. Sure dressing up this much, might be strange for a sleepover, but this is a ELVEN sleepover! 

  As we talked, Biana suggested we go show the boys, while the others were okay, I was thinking of Tam, what would he think of this dress and what would he think of me? Before I knew it, we were in front of the boys room and Biana knocked and we walked in. 

 Immediately, I caught Tam's eye, he looked with those silver-blue eyes, he looked at the dress and his eyes landed on my face. My breath was caught in my throat, what would he think?.......

Oops a small cliff-hanger. Sorry.... 

 I'll try and update within this weekend cause I'm hanging out with some family and friends but let me know what you think so far? And do you know who the mysterious guy who might like Sophie in red? Comment if you do! Enjoy the book and have a good day/night!


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