
Mafia Base of Connecticut

"What is that supposed to mean?" I was confused. Thorn had just explained that he knew I'd come looking for my brother. I could feel him shift, given that we were still trapped in this closet.

"I mean I'm going to be the one to turn you in." There was a silence, and then I laughed. Outside of the closet was quiet now, so I grabbed the handle. I'd had enough time to analyze the area of the closet, so I only missed by a few inches but I found it immediately after.

I yanked open the door and began to sprint down the hallway. I heard Thorn behind me. For the first time in five to ten minutes, there was nobody near me for at least six feet. When there was another fork in the hallway, I turned right immediately and pressed myself against the wall. I heard Thorn approaching quickly, so I opened a nearby door and caught my breath.

When I looked up, I realized I was in a small nook that turned into a conference room, a half-wall cutting through the room, separating me and the meeting going on at the very moment. The lights were dimmed, but I could hear someone talking. I couldn't risk them seeing me, so I crouched under the half-wall. 

"Just a reminder, 85 is under construction. But if you look over here," as I peeked around the corner, I saw a man point somewhere on a screen, "you'll see the newest exit out of the headquarters." I realized what he was presenting was a map. I held up my wristband and quietly used a voice-activation code. A small blue square hologram soon hovered over my wrist. I clicked my wristband and the words "Photo captured" appeared. I turned off the wristband and I opened the door.

Thorn pulled me by my wrist again and pulled me close. He smirked down at me, but I wasn't wasting any time, so I stomped on his foot and ran down the hallway again. He was too gullible for part of the mafia—or he just couldn't resist my gorgeous charm.

As I ran, I pulled up the photo I'd just taken. I couldn't see exactly where I was, but I assumed I was in 'hallway 7'. I stopped to look up. It definitely looked like hallway 7. Then I remembered that Thorn was after me. I sighed and turned around. No surprise, he was right there.

Then I thought. For the first time since I arrived, it hit me. Thorn was after me—they were also after my brother. And, supposedly, they already had my brother. So if I let myself get caught, I'd be able to find Winchester again and we could work together to get out of here and tell NYC about the mafia and it's location.

I put my hands up as if I were ready for him to pull out handcuffs. "You win," I said. I tilted my chin up. "Take me to your prison or whatever it is." I saw Thorn give me a skeptical look. He slowly reached forward and touched my wrists before grabbing them. He still looked skeptical.

"I'm serious. I'm exhausted. I have no real purpose to be here, so," I smirked. "You've won me over." He looked less skeptical. Then it was his turn to smirk.

"You've really given up. Well, my fellow members are stubborn, they'll do everything it takes to turn you in, so, we're going to have to make sure nobody sees you. They'll kill you like that, forgetting on the prize money." I raised my eyebrows.

"Prize money? I must be priceless, hm?"

"Extremely. Let's go, Agent, the boss will prefer you to arrive as soon as possible." I nodded. He narrowed his eyes before nodding back and pulling me down the hallway.

I was annoying him while we walked to who knows where, trying to get information out of him without him knowing. "So where's the bathroom, exactly? If I'm your prisoner, you know, I'm going to have to use it."

"There's one down the hall and to the right."

"Interesting. Soo, where are we going fir—"

"Sh." I furrowed my eyebrows.

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