pop quiz what happens when you bring an element of harmony into an alternate world?
dusk thought for a moment before sunset glare interupted
you dont know seriously? haha and your supposed to be prince solaris star student then again what are the chances he find somepony as bright as me to take under his wing after i decided to leave equestria been embarrassing that you were the best he could do
just then barbra started to growl and bark at sunset glare
oh and i'd keep an eye on your mutt hate for him to be taken away from you
is that a threat?
oh of course not but i'd cut down on the chatter if i we're you dont want anyone to know you three dont belong here now would you. you wanna be princess here please you dont know about the first thing about fitting in
as sunset glare was walking he found his minions wrapped in streamers
i want you to follow to follow the both of them bring me back something i can use just like you did with that last boy thought he could challenge me
you got it sunset glare
when the crown and its power are mine y/n will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world not that she would be much safer if she strayed in equestria
hehe yeah in equestria
what are you still doing here!? go!
dusk and y/n walked over to a vending machine before dusk start notice that he cant just grab it dusk then got on the ground and was about to kick it before someone came up to him he then felt y/n pick him up and whipe the dust off
excuse me?
the person then walked over to it
the great and powerful trixter need some peanut butter crackers voila
sunset glare is right we dont know the first thing about this place if we're really gonna fit in and win votes we need to do some research
this place has a school i have to believe its got a- library!
got your phone?
got yours?
so i just push the letters here and moving pictures will come up here
thats right
maybe this place does have magic
they dont this is an alternate world where they dont have magic so there is no way equestrian magic can come to this world
oh hehe right
just then music started to play
when your a younger-
ugh boys what are you doing?
we're just seeing how many hits our new music vidoes has gotten
just then apple buck turned the speaker back on before their teacher turned it off
no just no the school computers are for research purposes only
its just as well yall some of the comments of our song we're really awful epic fail funniest thing i ever seen
funniest thing they ever seen huh
oh uh i dont thinks thats what you should take from
just then dusk started to hit the keys with his fist while you used your fingers
Fanfictiony/n is the little sister of genderbent luna and celestira and genderbent harem thats all you need to know cause iam being lazy today and since...WAIT WHY DO I NEED TO TELL YOU SINCE YOUR THE LITTLE SISTER OF THEM YES THAT MEANS YOU IS A FUCKING ALIC...