The Fire's Acquaintance ; MK x Enemy! Reader x Mei; Part 1

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(A request made by @youname39889 :)

Said request :

Hello🙋 how about Mk x Enemy Reader x MeiI am a friend of red sanplease🦦🥭

Things are slightly changing in how i do things but not much-

Takes place during the race in s1

c/o/c = color of choice

I did things maybe a bit differently from how you might've imagined so I hope this is alr- and I do plan on doing a part 2 since I don't quite think I can manage to fit the entire plot into one page and making it make sense-)

"Uh Red Son, what exactly are we doing?"

You asked him, being pulled by the wrist and towards a race car. A few moments prior, you'd spotted Red Son storming out of his parent's lair, his hair ablaze with anger. You'd just been trying to come up with your next plan against Metropolis when you came up with the idea to consult your buddy Red Son for help.

And now you were here.

He'd grumbled about this "Race" going on in Metropolis, and some peach thing. Peach?

"Get in the car." Red Son said in a rough tone, his fists clenched and his hair looking as if it may burn the place down. He opened the car door so roughly that it seemed it'd nearly break, but thanks to his inventing interests, it didn't. You had to admit he was a pretty good inventor.

Maybe that'd get him feeling better.

You agreed with his request, sliding into the seat behind him and buckling up. As you took in the view of the car, it wasn't exactly top tier, but it was still definitely nice. "It's a, uh, nice build you've got Red."

That got him to pause and look at you, before putting his helmet on and tossing you a c/o/c helmet. 


You shifted in your seat and grinned, before popping your own helmet on. "Hey, you made this for me? When?" You asked, tapping the helmet. It felt warm, like one of those little heat packets for your hands. So that meant not too recently, but still kinda recent.

"That isn't important right now y/n.." Red Son responded in a voice that sounded... somewhat agitated. "Right now all we need to do is enter that race and crush all those peasants to achieve immortality to show those them that I am capable of incredible feats!"

Immortality? From a rac- Oh.

That race.

"Red Son, Before you get your hopes a little too-"

You tried to tell him of the truth, but you were cut off by him entering the car and practically stomping on the pedal, sending the two of you driving off towards the Great Wall Race.

"Hey wait- What does this have to do with me??" You questioned as Red Son drove, quickly going through the streets and scaring some pedestrians.

You were given no answer though, as he had his eyes on the road, gripping the wheel to the point it was going to leave a mark on it. Though, you did get an answer from your phone. From someone else-

As you opened up your phone, you saw a couple of photos from your sweethearts, saying that they'd be participating in the Great Wall Race as well! Wasn't that lovely?

Now you'd get to crush them with Red Son as your driver-

You saw as the two of you got closer to your destination, spotting your sweethearts in the line up of contestants getting prepared for the race. They unaware of your arrival, and that cued their rightful surprise when Red Son's car crash landed in the middle of the starting lane, causing a majority of the racers to flee.

At first they seemed defensive towards Red Son, but then they noticed the person sitting in the back.


"Y/N?!!" The two shouted as they saw you. Sitting in the same car as Red Son.

"Get down from there Y/N!! It's not safe!!" Mei shouted from her dragon-themed motorcycle, beside MK who'd chosen the delivery truck from Pigsy's Noodles for the race. That made Red Son look at you in surprise.

"You know these peasants??" 

"Oh, yea! You know them already?" You asked, looking at him with a sort of enthusiasm that made him give you a 'dead' expression. At least you didn't have to go through the struggle of introducing your villain bestie and hero girlfriend + boyfriend anymore-

This would likely lead to a few problems in the future though-

Meanwhile, two demon brothers, one silver, one gold, had snuck onto the announcements board. Their faces popped up on the board, and they started talking about the 'changes' made to the race's route, and how the racers could use "Any way possible" to get to the finish.

Just when things couldn't seem to get any more chaotic, yet another, huge car came crashing in, one racer towering over all others, while a smaller figure sat next to him.


Oh boy.

This was gonna be one long ride.

At least you could see your bestie and sweethearts for the meantime-

(That's the end for Part One of this request, I apologize for not being able to make it any longer but I wasn't sure as to how to end this part, I will work on Part Two though

Thanks for reading, and bye)

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