Aviation - Chapter One

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Chapter One

April 2014

Alex hated fashion shows. He didn't see the point of them. Maybe it was that last bit of Yorkshire grit in him. That down to earth part that thought the whole concept was ridiculous. Who would ever wear these clothes? Yeah, he lived in a world full of women who looked like these models, but what about back home? All those ordinary lasses in Sheffield who he'd gone to school with? They'd look ridiculous in the glorified string vests in neon colours that the models were wearing as they stomped down the catwalk in front of him.

And they all looked so fucking miserable. They were being a paid a fortune for a few hours' work, but not one of them could crack a smile.

Alex heard that tune again, the one that had been whirling around is his head since he landed in London yesterday, and he was jet lagged and a bit confused; but it had embedded itself in his brain. Being here, in this surreal situation, surrounded by the beautiful people, considered to be one of the beautiful people himself, seemed so surreal, and he was met with one of his sudden fits of inspiration. The jumble of words filled his head and lay themselves out before him. He took his trusty notepad from the inside pocket of his vintage leather jacket and wrote down the words that came to him.

'Hot procession, gloomy conga of glum looking beauties, strolling through the opening scene...' He liked that. He could put some more words to that. It would make a great song.

He glanced up. Alexa was sitting on the other side of the runway. She'd seen what he was doing and smiled and rolled her eyes, knowing only too well the nerd that still lived within the cool rocker image. Alex blushed a little and put his note pad back in his pocket.

"What you writing?"

He'd tried to blot Cindy out. She was an up-and-coming actress that the record company had arranged to be his date for the evening. He'd only split with Arielle a month ago, but the powers that be thought he needed a new girlfriend ASAP because rumours were likely to start. They'd already paid off a guy who Alex had thought would be discreet; then of course, there was the total tit he'd made of himself at the Brits. The men in suits were in panic mode and were doing their best to rebuild his reputation.

"Ideas for song lyrics," he said. "I write them down when they come to me."

Cindy smiled coyly, hunching her shoulders and pushing a lock of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

"Is it about me?" she asked.


Her face fell and Alex felt immediately bad for his bluntness.

"I didn't mean it like that. Just ignore me. Living in LA has gotten rid of all me manners."

The atmosphere between them became frostier, and Alex just wanted this whole spectacle to end. He was only in London for a few days for meetings, and he would have much preferred to find his own way of enjoying himself, than being persuaded to attend this God-awful fashion show.

Once it was over, him and Cindy parted with a handshake and the knowledge they would never see each other again, although tomorrow the tabloids would be full of stories of her being his potential new girlfriend. It would look like he had moved quickly on from Arielle, and his womanising image would stay in place.

He stayed for a drink and a friendly catch up with Alexa and her new boyfriend, and he left, catching a cab to take him back to his hotel in Park Lane. As usual with Alex, his dual personality was doing battle with itself. The angel that sat so comfortably on his right shoulder was telling him to go back to the hotel, order some food, watch a shit film and go to bed.

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