Hide And Seek <3

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Y/N watched as her husband, Newt Scamander, sat poring over his latest manuscript. With a devilish grin, she suggested a game they hadn't played since they were young. "Newt, let's play hide and seek," she exclaimed. Newt looked up, a soft smile lighting up his freckled face. He closed his book, "Alright, Y/N. Who's hiding first?" He asked. "You hide, and I'll seek. And no cheating with your magical creatures!" Y/N instructed, wagging a playful finger at him. Newt put up his hands in a mock surrender and with a chuckle, he disappeared into their magical home, ready to find the perfect hiding spot.Y/N began counting to a hundred, giving Newt ample time to hide. As she closed her eyes and started to count, she heard faint rustling noises, indicating Newt making his move. Meanwhile, Newt was trying his best to find a good hiding spot. He ducked into his suitcase, which housed an entire world of magical creatures. Y/N finished her count and opened her eyes. "Ready or not, here I come!" she called out, embarking on her search. She checked every nook and cranny of their ordinary-looking house without any luck. She knew he must have hidden somewhere in the magical part of their home. Venturing into the magical realm of their home, she was met with various fantastic beasts, all familiar with the game their human parents played. As she walked past Pickett, the bowtruckle, he handed her a leaf. She knew this was a hint, Pickett often acted as a clue-giver when they played hide and seek. She followed the direction of the leaf, making her way towards the Niffler's den. But Newt wasn't there. She was about to leave when she spotted a small shiny object lying on the ground. It was a pocket-watch of Newt's, and Y/N recognized that it had been purposely left behind as a clue. She picked it up, marveling at his creativity. The watch pointed towards the makeshift jungle, home to the Mooncalves and Demiguises. She ventured into the area, feeling hopeful. A group of Mooncalves looked up as she approached, their large, soulful eyes watching her curiously. But no sign of Newt. She was starting to get desperate. Suddenly, Dougal the Demiguise appeared, holding out Newt's handkerchief. She knew she was on the right trail. Smiling, she accepted the handkerchief and carried on. She ventured further into the jungle, her eyes scanning for any signs of her husband. All she found was an eerie silence. Suddenly, a rustling noise brought her attention to a gargantuan tree. There, nestled between its roots was Newt, trying to suppress his laughter. "Found you!" Y/N cried out, running towards him. Newt looked surprised but joined in her laughter. He crawled out of his hiding place and dusted his clothes off. "I didn't think you'd find me," he admitted, wrapping an arm around Y/N. "Your clues were clever, Mr. Scamander, but I'm smarter," Y/N teased, nudging him playfully. They walked back towards their house hand in hand, their laughter echoing in the magical realm. That night, they sat by the fireplace, recounting the fun they had during the day. Y/N lay her head on Newt's shoulder, relishing the warmth of their shared laughter. "Maybe we should do this more often, Y/N," Newt suggested. Y/N hummed in agreement, "I'd like that," she murmured, a content sigh leaving her lips. And so they decided, every once in a while they would bring a piece of their childhood back, playing the simplest games and enjoying each other's company in their magical home. It was the little things like these that made their marriage special; days filled with laughter, teasing and most importantly, love.

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