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"Taehyun~ Look what I made you!" Beomgyu exclaimed out of nowhere, giving Taehyun quite the jump scare.

"Jesus, Gyu! Warn me before you jump out of nowhere." The shorter held his chest to stop his beating heart from jumping out.

"Ahah! Sorry, I can't help it. You're just too cute when you're scared." He pinched the younger's cheeks. "Anyways, I made you a cake!"

The cake was a one layered chocolate cake with strawberries on top.

Taehyun smiled at the cute decor on top, the strawberries being shaped into a smiley face.

"I love it, Gyu. Thank you." He chuckles.

"By the way, are you okay? You've been standing on one leg this entire time.." the older points out with a frowny face.

"Oh- you still noticed-" Taehyun sighed. "Yeah, I tripped at work today and hurt my ankle."

"Hah, skill issue."


"Joke. Just a joke." He held his hands up in surrender. "What happened though?" He now asked genuinely worried.

"Some guy pushed me which knocked over all my books and I tripped over one of the books on the ground." He explained.

"Excuse me?? Pushed? Naw aw, I'm getting revenge!" Beomgyu huffed with his cheeks puffed out and started cracking his knuckles.

Taehyun giggles a bit. "Calm down, sweetheart. No need to get all tough guy on some random guy who works for me."

"But they tripped you! Hmph, I say we fire him." The older angrily crossed his arms.

Taehyun just shook his head with a smile. He began to walk forward with a limp.

"Wait! Lemme do it for you~ all I do is for you~" Beomgyu carefully picked Taehyun up after setting aside his work bag.

"I can walk myself." Taehyun laughs.

"No can do! You're hurt." Beomgyu sets him down on the couch. "Wait here! I'll go get some ice for your ankle !!"

Beomgyu then ran towards the kitchen to get an icepack from the freezer. He then put it around a paper towel and walked back to Taehyun.

"Here! I'm gonna put it on now." He crouched down beside Taehyun's resting ankle on a couch pillow.

The cold feeling made Taehyun flinch a bit, but he got used to it overtime. The pain was also very unsettling, but since Beomgyu's here, he was not that phased by it.

"While we wait, can we watch TV?" Taehyun asked after a few minutes.

"Mhm.. here." Beomgyu hands Taehyun the remote, despite being in concentration mode.

Taehyun smiled at that. Beomgyu in concentration mode was a cute sight to look at.

He flipped through the many apps they had on the TV and settled with Disney+, knowing his inner child can only watch these type of shows.

He went for a disney movie. Disney movies always distract Beomgyu from whatever he was doing, so maybe he'd stop trying so hard to take care of Taehyun?

He was wrong. Their favorite disney movie did not stop Beomgyu's concentration.

Why? Because Beomgyu couldn't handle the fact that Taehyun got hurt. He wants him to be all healed right this second.

After a few minutes of staring at Beomgyu, Taehyun rolled his eyes and pulled him closer with one arm.

Beomgyu squealed in surprise. It took a good few seconds to realize he was now in Taehyun's tight arms and not helping with Taehyun's ankles.

"Yah!! Lemme go! Your ankle is swollen up! I need to fix it!" Beomgyu struggled to get out of this hug.

"Nope! I want you to watch the TV and I'll hold the icepack myself." Taehyun stated firmly.

Beomgyu looked up to meet Taehyun's eyes. He pouts as they were them serious eyes that he couldn't say no to.

-dream ended here-

And so he just melted into his hug, making Taehyun loosen it up.

Beomgyu then intertwines his fingers with Taehyun's and looks up at him all smiley.

Taehyun returned that smiley look and they both watch Tangled together.

The end :))

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