Chapter 4

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Hyoseop sat down on the sofa next to Sejeong, putting his hand on hers.

"I miss working with you."  Hyoseop said.  "I miss brainstorming ideas together and joking around on set."

"Yes that was fun, wasn't it?  I definitely want to work with you on another project again, Oppa.  But I would like to focus on my music for now.  Plus, you know the current situation, with my  contract ending soon later this year."  Sejeong looked outside the window, deep in thought.  "I'm sure there will be other opportunities for us to work together in the future."

"I understand.  I just want you to know that as your number one fan, I will be cheering you on, no matter what you choose to do."

She then proceeded to climb onto Hyoseop's lap.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and rested her chin on his shoulder.  "You will still cheer me on even if I choose to leave the entertainment business?  Even if I decide to go back to school?"

"Yes."  Hyoseop said, slowly unwrapping her arms so that he could look directly at her face.  "If that's what you want to do, then go for it.  I mean it.  You are a smart girl.  You are hardworking and adaptable too.  You don't necessarily have to work in the entertainment industry.  I'm sure you will do well in whatever you choose to do.  Don't worry about others and just live for your own happiness."  He said, "I want you to be happy."

Sejeong was touched by his words.  She smiled as she did the two-finger salute.

"Yes Sajangnim! Then, if I need help with school work, could you be my tutor?"  She said seductively as she leaned towards him.

"Yes of course.  Afterall, I do have a degree in International Business, and I am a CEO of my company."  He grinned as he planted multiple kisses on her neck.  "But there will be a cost, and you will need to pay me back, another way."  


"Sejeong!  Long time no see!"

Sejeong was searching for her mobile coffee order on her phone as she entered the coffee shop.  She quickly turned around to see who was calling her and was a little surprised.  She had not seen him for almost a year.  The last time she saw him was at an awards show in Japan, and at that time, they only greeted each other briefly from afar.

"Hi Dae-hyun, wow long time no see.  What a coincidence! How are you?"  She said, as she picked up her iced americano from the café counter.

"I'm doing great."  He paused and stared into her eyes, as if indulging in reminiscence. "It has been a while.  You look prettier by the way."

Sejeong blushed and began to make small talk.

One little known fact about the K-pop industry is that it is a very small circle.  Celebrities often have connections with other celebrities, and everyone know each other in one way or another.   Dae-hyun was a member of a popular boy band and got to know Sejeong around the time of her debut.   They had met through a mutual friend, and they eventually started secretly dating on and off for about two years, before they decided to part ways.  They had similar bubbly personalities and were both extremely talented in song-writing and singing.

Although they were no longer together, Sejeong occasionally visited his social media to see how he and his group members were doing.   Even though she knew they would never get back together, she still cared about him as a friend and wanted him to do well in his music career.

Dae-hyun walked closer to Sejeong, "I heard your drama is coming out soon.  And congratulations on your comeback in September.  I am really looking forward to your work."

"Thank you."  Sejeong smiled.  "Oh guess what, I'm learning guitar now!"

"Really?  Classical?"  said Dae-hyun.  "If you ever need guitar lessons, do give me a call."

"I do have a really good guitar teacher, but thanks for the offer."  Sejeong said, "Anyways, I have to run, I'll see you around, ok?"

"Sure.  Bye!"  Dae-hyun waved as he watched her get into her car.  Deep inside, he would do anything to be with her again.  This may be the reason he had not been with anyone else since they broke up.  After she drove off, he dialed a number on his phone.

"Hey Hong-min.  I need you to do me a favor."  He said, "Can you give me Sejeong's address?"


It was almost 9pm and Hyoseop was still working away in his home office.  It was not easy being both an artist and the CEO of his own company.  As he preferred to be hands on with his business, this meant working long-hour days and sacrificing sleep.

After signing a stack of documents, he opened his laptop and began browsing flights to San Francisco.   

For some time, he had debated whether to invite Sejeong to a two-day family event in the U.S. next month.  He knew that she would be hesitant to join him given the recent media fiasco, but he had thought of how wonderful it would be for his entire family, including her, to be there.  

"Are you home?" Hyoseop texted.

"Yes.  Just about to head out to walk the dog."  Sejeong replied.

"OK.  Can I come by to talk to you about something later?  I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Sure.  See you later."  

* * *

Beep Beep Beep

"I wonder who that is,"  Sejeong said as she walked towards her home's security intercom panel.

As she pressed the intercom button, Dae-hyun appeared on the screen.

"Hey, it's me."  Dae-hyun said from the building entrance.

"Dae-hyun?  What are you doing here?"  

"I just wanted to give you something.  Can you let me in, I promise this won't take long."

"Hm... Alright."  Sejeong hesitantly clicked the button.  

"Why is he here?"  She thought.  "What would he possibly need to give me?  This is awkward."

She opened the door at the ring of the doorbell.  Although there were only two units on each floor of her building, Sejeong asked him to head inside to avoid interrupting the next door neighbor.

 "Sorry for the sudden visit.  But I was just passing by this area, and... I wanted to give you this."  Dae-hyun lifted up the black electric guitar case in his hand.

"An electric guitar?"  

"Yes, I believe you said you are playing on a classical one now.  I know you would enjoy this one as a beginner.  Remember how I used to play this for you when we were together in my studio..."  He continued as he opened up the case.

"Thank you Dae-hyun, but I can't accept this. " She stared down at the mahogany vintage guitar.  "Isn't this the limited edition guitar that you kept in your display?"

He could sense that she was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Yes but I would like you to have it."  He said.  "When I heard you were learning to play, I knew this was the perfect instrument for you.  Anyway, I'm heading out.  If you need my help learning this, just call me ok?  I would be happy to teach you or we could play together once you are good at it."  He smiled at her,  "I miss hanging out with you." He turned around and began heading out the door.

As he opened the door, he realized there was someone standing outside, holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand.


(Sorry Hyojeong fans if this story is stressing you out.  When I heard there was going to be a love line in Uncanny counter 2, I decided to build in a love triangle here.  Stay tuned for the next chapter!  Once again, I wanted to repeat my usual disclaimer that this is 100% fiction! So don't take this too seriously ok?  I'll try to add in a few more chapters this weekend.)

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