Chapter 2

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May and June ran down the hallways, looking for Webby, and somehow avoiding both their Mom and the other FOWL agents as they kept on running through the never-ending rooms and hallways of the FOWL base.

But they were stopped in their tracks when a cane slammed full-force into the two girls, startling them and knocking them to the floor.

Once the shock had subsided, the two ducklings stood to their feet and dusted off their clothing.

June gulped and looked up to see what - or - who, had smacked them upside the head and knocked them to the floor.

"Uh... hi there!" June stammered over her words with a nervous look on her face. "Is there something we can help you with?"

May scowled and elbowed June in the stomach with her elbow. "June, be quiet! What are you doing?"

June frowned and turned to give May a sideways look.

"I'm just asking a question," June muttered while glaring at May. "What's so wrong with that?"

May facepalmed and groaned in frustration. "Ugh! Why do I even bother!" She muttered with a heavy sigh. "Cause we gotta find Webby. That's why, June."

June's eyes seemed to widen at that and she turned to face May with a wide-eyed look on her face.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go find Webby." June exclaimed with a wide grin forming on her face.

The two ducklings were just about to dash away when something stopped them from going anywhere.

May scowled and glared up at whoever was preventing them from leaving the room.

"Not so fast lassie!" A Scottish voice sounded from the elder duck that was holding the cane out in front of him, almost like one would hold a sword.

May and June glanced to one another with equal looks of annoyance and slight confusion written plainly on their faces.

"What do you want?" June inquired, crossing her arms and scowling angrily. "And why are you staring at me?"

"Where is Webbigail, lassie?" Scrooge asked the duckling in yellow while giving her and her sister both a look that left no room for arguing.

"We don't know where Webbigail is!" May snapped angrily. "And even if we did, why would we tell you?"

Scrooge narrowed his eyes and gave the two FOWL clones a look that clearly screamed 'If the young ducklings are hurt, you're so dead!'

The look that was sent their way made both May and June gulp and step back a few paces away from the older duck.

May gulped and spoke up. "If we help you find Webbigail will you let us live?" She asked, her voice hitching at the end of her question. 

The older duck squinted his eyes in confusion. "Whatever do you mean by that?" He twirled his cane around his fingers before speaking again. "You're just kids for crying out loud! I'd never harm either of you, lassie."

May gave a sigh of relief while June just stared at her sister with a look of utter confusion written plainly on her face.

It was silent for a few moments before the duckling disguised as Webby spoke up in an attempt to break the tension in the air.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" She cried out, throwing her arms up in the air to get her point across. "Let's stoping standing around doing nothing and go find our sister!" At the small glare May gave her, June chuckled nervously and corrected herself.

"I-I mean, let's go find Webby." June smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck with while shifting anxiously from foot-to-foot.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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