Chapter 9

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I hurriedly packed my bag and rushed around the room to make sure I had everything. I could hear Ross chuckle from behind me, but didn't turn around. "Why the hell did you wait last minute to pack?"

"Because I'm an idiot." I responded, throwing in the last piece of clothing in the bag before zipping it up. I turned around and ran a hand through my hair. "Is Olivia's bag packed?"

He nodded and bounced our little girl in his arms. "Yup. You two are all ready to leave me." He pouted childishly, causing me to bound over and peck his lips.

"You know that the groom isn't allowed to see the bride the day before the wedding."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." He muttered, the pout still on his face. The doorbell rang, and his pout deepened, his hold on Olivia tightening. "No. She's not leaving me."

I chuckled softly and pecked his cheek, removing Olivia from his arms. "It's only for one night, Ross. I think you'll live." I pushed past him and chuckled when I heard him let out a whine. Opening the door, I greeted Rydel before letting her in.

"Hey there, girlie." She cooed, tickling my daughter's stomach. Olivia let out a squeal, smiling widely. She looked at me, playing with my daughter's hand. "Do you have your bag packed? My mom's in the car with Lauren and Nicky, and we should leave now before we get stuck in traffic."

I nodded, just as Ross emerged from our room with my bag in his grasp. I thanked him before grabbing it. "Can you take Olivia and put her in her car seat? I'll be down in a minute." Rydel nodded and took Olivia, but not before Ross peppered her face with kisses. Once it was just the two of us, I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up, our eyes connecting.

"Just one more day." He announced, smiling.

"One more day." I confirmed. "And then I'll be Mrs. Lynch."

"And I can't fucking wait." He leaned down and kissed me quick, his lips lingering over mine for a brief moment. "What are you gonna do tonight?"

"Maybe go to the pool." I shrugged. "The hotel has a small pool for kids, so I might take Olivia there for a little bit. What about you?"

"Let's just say the hotel has a bar." He winked.

"Try not to get too drunk. I don't need you having a hangover tomorrow."

"Relax, relax. I'm not planning on getting drunk." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You better get going. But text me when you get there. I just want to know you got there safely."

I nodded. "You do the same."

"Will do, soon-to-be Mrs. Lynch." He grinned. "I love the sound of that."

I couldn't help but grin as well. "Me too, Mr. Lynch." I pecked his lips before hurrying out the door, not wanting to keep everyone waiting for long. Since we had two car seats in the car, we were taking Mark and Stormie's van to the hotel. Rydel and I were in the back with our kids while Stormie and Lauren were in the front.

The ride to the hotel was filled with mindless chatter, and before I knew it, we had arrived at the hotel. My heart immediately began to pound, the realization that tomorrow Ross and I would be married. I truly never thought this day would come, and now that it was here, I was nervous and excited all at the same time.

Once we were checked into the hotel, Rydel, Lauren, and I went up to our room, Stormie taking the one next to her. We tried to get her to stay with us, but she assured us she was fine being on her own. Once she had her mind made up, there was no changing it.

The room we were staying in had a beautiful view of the private beach, and I could already see everything being setup for tomorrow. I loved how the waves crashed down on the shore, making it a picture perfect scenery.

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